


髪や肌でも感じる湿気です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













「不快指数」は高温多湿の日本人にとっては、単なる暑さだけではなく、湿気感としての「蒸し暑さ」を程よく表す目安といいましょうか。 気付けばすっかり市民権を得た言葉となりました。実際の数字はどうであれ、堪え難い日本の夏を代表するにふさわしい言葉であることは間違いありませんね。
















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It’s a three-day weekend, but the weather is not so clear. It is supposed to rain in Nagoya this afternoon, so the humidity is increasing and the discomfort level is at its maximum. Compared to the heat like the other day, when I felt as if I was burning myself, it is a little better, but sometimes I feel hotter than during the rainy season.


The “discomfort index” is an index of discomfort caused by hot and humid weather, and is an indicator of the temperature you feel in your body, calculated from the air temperature and humidity. The higher the discomfort index, the higher the temperature you feel.


The specific formula is (and you don’t have to remember it): 0.81 x temperature + 0.01 x humidity x (0.99 x temperature – 14.3) + 46.3.

When the discomfort index exceeds 77, most Japanese people feel uncomfortable.

For example, when the temperature is 38 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 0%, the discomfort index is 77, meaning that if the air is dry and crispy, even a heat wave of 38 degrees Celsius is not uncomfortable. On the other hand, when the humidity is 100%, the discomfort index is 77 when the temperature is 25°C. This means that a bathroom full of steam is uncomfortable when the temperature exceeds 25°C.


The “discomfort index” is not just a measure of heat for the Japanese, who are used to high temperatures and humidity, but also a good measure of humidity, or “hot and humid”. The term has become a household word. Regardless of the actual number, there is no doubt that it is an appropriate word to represent the unbearable Japanese summer.

By the way, compared to “humidity,” which is expressed as an objective numerical value, “humidity” is a strange and even familiar word. Just putting a desiccant, which people in the past called a “moisture stopper,” in a can of dried laver gives me a sense of relief, perhaps a Japanese habit of dealing with humidity for many years.


Also during this time of year, the “laundry index” and “clothing index” in the weather forecast are very useful.

When I looked at weather-related websites out of curiosity, I found a number of unfamiliar indexes, including “throat lozenges,” “ice cream,” and even “stains/rebounding. I was tempted to ask, “Is anything possible? But the essence of the “XX Index” is how to connect weather data, which is an accumulation of numbers, to the ease of living. It seems that it is not “anything goes.


Most of the indexes are derived from the Japan Weather Association’s vast amount of meteorological data, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation, and from original formulas.

The “throat lozenge index,” which indicates how dry one’s throat tends to get, and the “blemish/rebound index,” which promotes measures against sunscreen and other skin damage, are certainly things that, when you see them in your daily life, make you think about adopting them with a little care. Although I feel that we are a little bit dancing around such figures, they certainly seem to have permeated our daily lives.


Here is a piece of trivia. According to the Japan Weather Association, the top three most frequently accessed online weather data are the “laundry index” and the “clothing index,” which are useful every day, and the “starry sky index,” which is a guide to astronomical observation, are on a par with the “laundry index” and the “clothing index.

It may seem impossible in today’s weather, but the higher the starry sky index, the more beautiful the starry sky will be.

For those of you who feel that your daily life is lacking in romance, please take a look at this for reference (laughs).


See you soon.














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