


初代帝室技芸員 田崎早雲 (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




本日は、初代帝室技芸員にも選ばれた 日本画家 田崎早雲 のご紹介です。


日本画家 田崎草雲は1815年に生まれた日本を代表する画家の一人です。











代表作は「蓬菜山図」「富嶽図」です。彼の各作品は国内だけでなく国外でも高い評価を受けています。「絹本着色 蓬莱仙宮図」に描かれた海と蓬莱山。「絹本墨画 富嶽図」の望遠鏡さえ使ったといわれる富士山の見事な風格。「絹本着色 花鳥図 3幅対」からは、喧嘩っ早い彼が小さなものをも愛していた様子が伺われます。



Today, we would like to introduce Soun Tasaki, a Japanese-style painter who was also the first Imperial Household Artist.



Japanese painter Soun Tasaki, born in 1815, is one of Japan’s leading painters.

He was born on October 15, 1815, in the Ashikaga domain residence in Kanda Ogawa-cho, Edo (present-day Tokyo). He began to study painting in earnest under Tani Buncho and Watanabe Kazan, two of the great masters of Japanese painting. In 1853, he became a painter for the Ashikaga clan.

Although highly regarded as a painter, Soun Tasaki was also active as a samurai. He formed a militia called “Seishintai” to maintain public order during the upheavals of the late Edo period and the Meiji Restoration, and protected Ashikaga from the fires of war.


Tazaki Soun is known for his highly realistic works. After the death of Tani Buncho and Watanabe Kazan, his teachers in nanga, Soun’s reputation in the calligraphy and painting circles was low. It is said that although Soun was in awe of Buncho, he did not want to write works that imitated him. He was highly professional and eager to learn herbology for the sake of realism, and while he was a world-famous artist who wrote kite paintings and ukiyoe, he never wavered in his belief in his own art, and it can be said that his “willfulness” as an Edo native made him a great artist.


The works of Soun Tasaki are characterized by their landscape paintings, flower-and-bird paintings, and human figures. In “Baihua Shurozu,” the artist has faithfully depicted the basics, such as a bridge and an emotional temple peeking out from a steep rocky cliff, following the landscape style. The unique strength and delicacy of the painting’s style give the work a distinctive atmosphere and atmosphere.

It is said that Soun Tasaki did not receive high acclaim in his early years, but he gradually gained a high reputation. In 1890, he was selected as a member of the Imperial Household Artists’ Association, the most prestigious honor for an artist, along with Hashimoto Gaho and others.

He also devoted himself to the education of future generations, building the Shiraishi Sambo (White Stone Mountain Studio) on Mount Rendaiji (now Ashikaga Park) and teaching painting to many students in Ashikaga. However, he did not accept those with low aspirations who only wanted to paint, and only allowed those who were good in his eyes to study under him.


He was also the model for Ryotaro Shiba’s novel, “Kenka Soun,” and can be considered a writer who was recognized as he grew older rather than a precocious artist. His pupil was Suiun Komuro, who was a representative of his time and trained junior painters.

His representative works are “Bokkaisan-zu” and “Fugaku-zu. Each of his works has been highly acclaimed not only in Japan but also abroad. The sea and Mount Horai depicted in “Horai Sengu Zu” (Coloring on Silk). The depth of the painting. Fuji, which is said to have even used a telescope in “Fugakuzu (Mt. Fugaku)” (ink painting on silk). The “Coloring on Silk, Flowers and Birds, Pair of Three Pairs” shows how he loved small things as well as quarrelsome ones.

Ashikaga City is also home to the Soun Tasaki Museum of Art, which exhibits the works and belongings of Soun Tasaki, an Ashikaga-born painter of the late Edo period. Located at the southern end of Ashikaga Park, next to the museum is the Shiraishi Yamabo, which Soun used as his painting studio and residence.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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