今年は織姫と彦星、再会なるか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




今年は織姫と彦星、再会なるか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















どんなシチュエーションなのか気になって調べてみますと、彦星様が牛に乗って織姫様に会いに行く説、 彦星様が天の川を渡ることができないときに、無数の鳥が飛んできて天の川の橋になってくれた説が存在するようです。












Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is Tanabata day.

If I remember correctly, it has been a long time since it has not rained on Tanabata day here in Nagoya. Will Orihime and Hikoboshi be able to meet again this year?


Since the memories of bad weather on Tanabata day have been so ingrained in my mind, I was wondering how often Orihime and Hikoboshi were able to meet again at the same place. The data is a bit old, but it seems that in the 60 years from 1961 to 2020, they met only 18 times based on the weather conditions at 3 pm. That’s a probability of only 30%.


I have come to think that a date with only a 30% chance of success, when there is only one chance a year to begin with, will definitely cool down the couple’s relationship, and I have come to think that there is no prospect for future development. It was a result that I somehow knew, but it seemed that Orihime and Hikoboshi rarely met each other after all.


Also, if we counted cloudy weather as “meeting,” it seemed that there was a 75% chance of a successful date, and even including cloudy weather, there was a 25% chance that even one date a year would end in failure…. Isn’t that a catastrophe waiting to happen?


Oh, no…I cry. I am so sad to hear that. But there is no need to worry. Legend has it that a flock of birds called “Kasasagi” felt sorry for Weaver and Hikoboshi, who could not cross the Milky Way due to rain, so they spread their wings to form a bridge so that they can meet no matter what the weather is like. In short, the two can meet again regardless of the weather. Oh, thank God…


I was wondering how Orihime and Hikoboshi would meet on Tanabata day, including the “magpie theory” I mentioned earlier, when I fantasized about their reunion. I was also curious about the situation.

I was curious about the situation, so I looked it up. There is a theory that Hikoboshi-sama rides on a cow to meet Orihime-sama, and there is a theory that when Hikoboshi-sama could not cross the Milky Way, countless birds flew to her and served as a bridge over the Milky Way. Both of them seem to be possible, and I think the theory that Hikoboshi-sama rides on a cow to meet Orihime-sama is more well known, but it seems that Hikoboshi-sama goes to meet her either by riding on a cow or by crossing the Milky Way.


I am not sure if it is a dangerous river or not, but when I think of Hikoboshi crossing the Milky Way, I want him to cross the Milky Way without being defeated by the catastrophe theory or bad weather…” I hope Hikoboshi will be able to cross the Milky Way, despite all the theories of catastrophes and bad weather…” It was the day of Tanabata.


Have a good day.















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