出来上がりが楽しみです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




出来上がりが楽しみです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














らっきょうには、血行促進や疲労回復、殺菌作用、コレステロール値を下げる、高血圧やむくみも予防してくれ、食物繊維も豊富で便秘予防にも効果的。 またアンチエイジング効果もあり、免疫力も高めてくれます。 栄養価の高さから「畑の薬」とも言われ、漢方薬の原料としても利用されてきました。









Hello everyone. This is T. Staff.


Today in Nagoya, the weather is dry and sunny, making it a comfortable day. We hope to take advantage of this weather before the rainy season starts and get some laundry and cleaning done.


While laundry and tidying up are also on my mind, I am also thinking about the plums and rakkyo that are only available at this time of year and begin to appear in the supermarkets. The other day, I was wondering when I would be able to make more of them, and I made a lot of pickles this year, too.


The season is from May to July, when the fresh, soil-soaked Rakkyo begins to appear on the shelves. This is the best time of year for those who love Japanese cucumbers. The flesh of fresh radish during this season is firm and crispy, making it a pleasant seasonal vegetable. Freshly picked and pickled, you can enjoy its fresh taste all year round. Although some preparation is required, it is worth the effort!


The name “rakkyo” is a curious one when you think about it. The name “rakkyo” is a curious one when you think about it. It is said to be derived from the Chinese name “rakkyo” (辣韮). The vegetable shallot, by the way, is said to be an early harvest of the soft white Chinese chive. The shallot, which has a similar name, is a type of small onion and is a completely different vegetable.

Rakkyo is a member of the lily family and is related to leeks, chives, and garlic. The white part we eat is the root part called “rinkaku. This rhizome is sometimes used in Chinese herbal medicine for stomach health and intestinal regulation.
Rakkyo is effective in promoting blood circulation, relieving fatigue, sterilizing, lowering cholesterol, preventing high blood pressure and swelling, and preventing constipation due to its high dietary fiber content. It also has anti-aging effects and boosts the immune system. Because of its high nutritional value, it is also called “field medicine” and has been used as an ingredient in Chinese herbal medicines.

We tend to eat a lot of what we like, and the same is true of rakkyo. It seems that eating too much is not good, and 3 to 4 grains per day is a good amount. It seems that everything is good in moderation.


Now I say that I like rakkyo, but in fact it is one of the foods that I became able to eat after I grew up. I used to dislike the strange sweet and sour taste, the texture, and the sharp smell, but I guess one’s sense of taste changes when one grows up.



See you later.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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