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今さらながらハマっております・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)







大半の方にはブームは過ぎてしまったでしょうか?ご興味ない方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、『アニメ 鬼滅の刃』を毎週楽しみにしています。決してガチ勢ではないのですが、気づけばすべての放送を見てしまっております。





300年前のものが「新しい」!? いったいどういうことなのか……。
















Hello everyone. This is Staff T. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Nagoya today.


It was a beautiful sunny day in Nagoya today, and I hope you are feeling well.

Well, today is finally Friday. I would like to refresh myself on Saturday and Sunday, but it is not so easy these days. It’s a hectic weekend, but I have a little something to look forward to.

I hope that the boom has passed for most of you. I know some of you may not be interested in this, but I look forward to watching the “Anime Oni-no-Blade” every week. I am not a fanatic by any means, but I find myself watching all the broadcasts.

This time is the fourth season “Hashira Rehearsal Arc”. It is a preparation period for the upcoming showdown with the last boss, so there may not be any major climaxes, but I look forward to the wonderful images that are depicted in each episode. Personally, I was fascinated by the images of the swords of the “Pillars” that appeared at the ending.


Speaking of swords, there was a scene in the previous episode, “The Village of the Swordsmith,” where Sumijiro was surprised to see a “sword that is over 300 years old” in his hand. Indeed, 300 years is a very long time. I am ashamed to say that I did not know that, in fact, swords made around that time are classified as relatively young as Japanese swords.

In the anime, the swords are referred to as “more than 300 years old” and “the Warring States period,” so they do not seem to fall under this category. However, if we were to go back 300 years from the Taisho period (1912-1926), the period in which “Oni no Hane” is set, that would be the early Edo period. This period is called the “Shintouki” period.

Something 300 years old is “new”? What in the world does that mean? ……


What is the history of the Japanese sword and how far back does it go?

According to my research, the single-edged wanto (bayonet) that comes to mind when one hears the term “Japanese sword” was established in the mid to late Heian period. Before that, swords had existed in Japan since the Kofun period (burial mounds), but they mainly followed the shape of those imported from the continent (straight swords or swords with blades on both sides).

From there, it is believed that the Japanese sword gradually developed in its own unique way. The date is around 1000 A.D., or about 1,000 years ago.

Japanese swords have been made from about 1000 years ago to the present. There are still sword smiths working today. There are various theories about the last 1000 years, but it can be roughly divided into three (or four) eras.

Those made between the establishment of Japanese swords and the Warring States period are called “kotou,” those made between the Edo period and 1876 are called “shinto,” and those made after that period are called “gendaitou.


I have written only a rough description of what they are called, but I lost track of what I was researching as I was looking into the details of the changes in shape and whatnot, so if you are interested, please check it out.

By the way, I saw on a TV commercial that “Nagoya Sword World/Nagoya Sword Museum (Mehaku)” has opened as a place where visitors can appreciate Japanese swords from all over Japan. The museum can display up to 200 swords, 50 pieces of armor, 150 ukiyoe prints, and 250 firearms and old Western-style rifles. I am a bit intrigued by the way the swords, armor, ukiyoe prints, firearms, and old Western-style rifles are all displayed together.

I will enjoy the anime for now, but I will try my best next week, cheered up by Sumijiro’s positive words and earnest attitude.

See you next week.














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