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香炉の自由さがいつもきになります。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









































I was curious about the blooming of cherry blossoms in the neighborhood of Fumikosha Antique Art House, and I have just patrolled the Yamazaki River for cherry blossoms. The conclusion. The cherry blossoms were three minutes in bloom. There were a few blossoms here and there, but it was just a little more than a few minutes before they were in full bloom.


Neighbors were still walking or jogging past, but I was able to enjoy the quiet view of the cherry blossoms, which I think was a good thing. I will report again when they are in full bloom.
Now, today, I would like to talk about the world of “incense burners,” which has been on my mind for a while.


We have several incense burners in the store, and I personally like antiques. I think it is because there are so many variations and they are unique in terms of their national characteristics, religious sects, materials, etc. “Incense burners” are used for incense.


Incense burners are vessels used for burning incense, and are one of the most important Buddhist ritual utensils to be enshrined at a Buddhist altar. In addition, from Buddhist ritual utensils, incense burners have come to be used for incense ceremony and room furnishings, and are made of various materials such as ceramics, metal, and lacquer ware.


As you know, both incense burners and incense originated not from Japan but from overseas. In ancient India, where Buddhism originated, the temperature was high throughout the year and the spice culture was well developed, there was a custom of covering the body with incense blended with various fragrances to prevent bad smells.


This culture spread to Greece, Egypt, and Rome, while in Asia, incense burners were introduced to Japan via ancient China and Korea, and incense burners became important Buddhist ritual utensils as incense offerings.


The “Nihonshoki,” a history book written in the Nara period (710-794), mentions that in 595, a piece of fragrant wood drifted ashore on Awaji Island, and that the islanders burned it without knowing it. Therefore, there must have been incense burners from that time.


In the Momoyama period, the style was gradually developed along with the tea ceremony, and by the early Edo period (1603-1867), the general trend of the behavior was completed, and it had spread to the general public. In addition, although originally Buddhist ritual utensils, they came to be used in the incense ceremony and room furnishings, and furthermore, their variations became more diverse.
By the way, the oldest existing incense burner in Japan is said to be a brass-patterned incense burner from the Asuka Period in the collection of Horyuji Temple.


Last year, I visited the National Treasure Exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum to have a look at the gilt-bronze patterned incense burner, which is a National Treasure. The name comes from the three-parted end of the handle, which resembles the tail of a magpie, but the inclusion of motifs other than the animal itself is also a bit chic.


Perhaps the fact that there are so many animal designs in the decoration of incense burners is the reason why I like them so much. I am sure that every decoration has its own meaning, but animal designs are often cute and warmhearted in their expressions.


When I look at old incense burners, I wonder if there must have been some ancient people who, like me, laughed when they held them in their hands over the years, but I wonder if there are any such joking old people…lol.



I also visited the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art the other day to see the National Treasure and Important Cultural Property “Iroe Hoe Kiji Ka”, which is a decoration of a “Kiji” itself. This piece depicts a realistic Kiji, and was made by Nonomura Ninsei, a famous potter in Kyoto during the Edo period. It is said that this incense burner was handed down to the Yokoyama family, the retainers of the Kaga Maeda family. I could feel the novelty of the realism that hit me as if it were made in the Edo period. Smoke comes out from the back, lol.


Also, there are several incense burners not only in the museum but also in the store, and you can see these animals peeking out at you with an unwitting laugh, “There you are…there you are! I look into them with a smile on my face without knowing it. I don’t know why.


The reason why I am so interested in incense burners is still the same to me, but I guess it is because I always enjoy peeking into them and reading their stories one by one whenever I come across them.
If there are others like me, I am sure we can become friends.


Please come and visit us at Fumikosha.















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