純白の花を見て思うこと(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




純白の花を見て思うこと(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The warm spring weather is making me feel light on my feet. The people who pass by are dressed in different outfits, which reminds me of the change of season.

After reading Staff Y’s blog the other day, I too have been looking around to see if I can come across any early-blooming cherry blossoms, but unfortunately, I have not encountered any yet.

Still, when I walk along the streets, I see many spring flowers and my spirits are lifted. It is strange to think that in the past, seeing flowers did not make me so happy.

The cherry blossoms in my neighborhood were still in their buds, but the pure white magnolias were blooming beautifully instead. The petals are large and each petal is as gorgeous as a smooth fabric, but there is also a sense of dignity and strength in the way they are all blooming toward the sky at once.

I researched and found that magnolias are said to be the oldest flowering trees on the earth.

Fossils of magnolia trees have been excavated from the strata of the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It is said to have already looked like this more than 100 million years ago. In fact, it is known that herbivorous dinosaurs ate them.

The magnolia originated in southern China and was introduced to Japan for medicinal purposes in ancient times. The dried buds before the flowers open are called “shin-i,” and as a herbal medicine, it is believed to be effective against rhinitis, headaches, cold, and bronchitis.

It is unknown if dinosaurs knew of its efficacy, but imagining herbivorous dinosaurs such as Triceratops eating it is a fun way to travel back in time to ancient times.

There are two types of magnolia with fresh fragrance and large flowers: “purple magnolia,” which has purple flowers, and “white magnolia,” which has white flowers. There are various theories as to the origin of its name. It was once called “magnolia” (mokuran) because of its resemblance to an orchid flower. Later, it was called “magnolia” in China because the flower resembled a lotus flower, and so it came to be called “magnolia” in Japan as well. In English, it is generally called “magnolia. Magnolia” is a familiar name from movie titles, but it is also used to refer to magnolia.

It is also said that the magnolia’s radiant beauty when in bloom contrasts with the browned appearance of its blossoms when they fall.

Cherry blossoms remain vividly colored even when they fall, and are described as a “cherry blossom snowstorm,” and their floating form on the water is called a “flower raft,” which is a delight to people. The small, round petals of the ume (plum) flower fall in a manner similar to tears spilling from the flower, hence the expression “ume ga goboreru” (“plum blossoms spill”). Camellias also fall with their beautiful flowers still intact.

What about magnolias? During this season, you may see a large number of brownish magnolias falling on the road. I have never seen the moment of falling, but rumor has it that many petals sometimes fall at once, even though there is no wind. The petals are so large that they make a “disintegrating” sound. The mysterious thing about plants is that they fall all at once, as if they have a will of their own. By the time they fall, the pure white petals turn brown and pile up on the ground.

Of course, it is moving to see the beauty of the falling petals, but perhaps it is my age that makes me love the magnolias that remain on the branches even after they turn brown and fall as if they are running out of energy.


I will see you next time.













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