犬派か猫派か、どちらでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




犬派か猫派か、どちらでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


















あるアンケートの調査では、「犬派? 猫派?」の問いに、「犬派」が59.2%、「猫派」が40.8%という結果に。全ての世代で犬派の方が多かった。20~40代は犬派が50%台にとどまったが、50代では65.9%、60代では62.7%と割合が高かったようです。ちょっと犬派が多いのかなところでしょうか。自分の中では、この二派が年替わり、日替わり、いえいえ時間替わりで入れ替わるのですが、まあ、どちらも好きです。


























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, as I was passing by Nagoya University on my way to work, I saw a signboard informing me of the second round of examinations.It seems that today is the second round of examinations.I could tell immediately that the atmosphere was very tense, with reporters and parents anxiously watching the students.
To all the students taking the exam, I send my best wishes for your hard work up to this point from the car, from a stranger. Good luck!


By the way, recently I have been watching a lot of animal videos and images on social networking sites.It’s funny to see all the animals on social networking sites, and among them, there are a lot of images of dogs and cats.
Both are cute, but are you a dog person or a cat person? Which do you prefer, dogs or cats?Which do you prefer? I am sure there are people who prefer rabbits, pigs, etc., but for now, let’s just say that there are a lot of people in the two groups.


According to a survey, the question was “Dogs or cats? Cats? 59.2% of the respondents were “dog people” and 40.8% were “cat people. All generations were more dog-oriented; dog-owners in their 20s to 40s were only in the 50% range, while dog-owners in their 50s and 60s seemed to have higher percentages at 65.9% and 62.7%, respectively. I wonder if there are a little too many dog people in this group. In my mind, these two groups switch from year to year, from day to day, or even from hour to hour, but I like them both.


I used to have a dog and a cat together, but since that was a long time ago, discipline was far from a given. The dog, who had a destructive habit, and the cat, who was selfish and pretending to be cute, would fly a glance at each other every time they saw each other, and eventually they would fight each other.


So, when it comes to actually living with animals, I still can’t picture my dream, but I love watching videos and images of them. I also see well-disciplined and well-behaved cats and dogs on social networking sites, and I am always impressed and admire that there is a world where people can live with animals so elegantly… but at the same time, I always wonder what those children I used to have at home were like… and I always laugh. At the same time, I always remember with a wry smile what those children we had at home were like. Nowadays, I miss those children who were rampaging around.
So I began to wonder about the history of my relationship with those dogs and cats.



Dog bones have been found at some 400 archaeological sites from the Jomon period, which leads us to believe that Iainu, or so-called Jomon dogs, already existed in Japan during the Jomon period.

The earliest burials are dog bones excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Iwayashin site in Ehime Prefecture and the Natsujima site in Saga Prefecture, which date back to the early Jomon period, and they were small to medium-sized dogs. It was probably kept for hunting. As for the roots, it has been elucidated that the genes of Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian dogs are close, and it was pointed out that the dogs were introduced from Northeast Asia to Korea and then to Japan. However, some Japanese dogs have the same type of genes as dogs from Southeast Asia, so it can be said that they do not have a single origin.


In addition, the oldest evidence of the Aeneko (not a wild cat, but a domesticated cat) in Japan is a radius (forearm bone) found at the Karakami site (late Yayoi period) in Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, which was surveyed in 2011. Although no genetic analysis has been conducted, it has been concluded that the bone is most likely that of Ae. aegypti, since a bone of a cat (the type of cat has not been identified) has been found in a shell mound from that period. If these are indeed bones of Ae. eneko, then there were already domesticated cats in the Yayoi period, probably kept to protect grain from rodent damage.

Until now, reliable evidence of domesticated cats was not seen until the 6th or 7th century, so if the bones at the Karakami site are indeed those of an Aedes aegypti, it would be a significant step back in the history of cats in Japan.
The beginning of our life with dogs and cats seems to have started as a relationship with them as servant dogs and cats that spent time with people’s lives, rather than as “healing” beings as they appear on social networking sites today. We hope that dogs and cats will continue to live with us as our closest companions and heal us.


I hope that they will continue to be with us and heal us as they are the closest thing we have to humans.


Have a good day.















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