マークシートには鉛筆?シャーペン?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




マークシートには鉛筆?シャーペン?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















マークシートを読み取るOCR装置やOMR装置と呼ばれるものは、赤外線の反射率 を識別に用いており、赤外線を良く吸収する炭素を他の筆記具よりも多く含む鉛筆が、マークシート記入には最も適しているため、鉛筆が指定されているという訳だったのです。


普通の鉛筆の芯は黒鉛と粘土を焼き固めたものですが、シャーペンの替芯は、粘土の代わりにプラスチックを使用し、鉛筆の芯よりもずっとよく練り合わせて作られています。 このため、粘土を使ったときにはできないような高強度の芯となるのだそうです。









Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It was cold this morning, but the weather turned out to be nice, so the cold has eased up a bit during the day.

It is the last day of the common test for all of you who are preparing for the exam. I hope that all the efforts you have made so far will bear fruit.


Now, when it is time for the common test, there is something that always bothers me. Is the mark sheet in pencil? Can’t I use a mechanical pencil?” I have been researching this question.


I have done some research, and the conclusion seems to be that pencil is the way to go.


The Center for University Entrance Examinations also states, “Be sure to use a black pencil (H, F, or HB) for your answers.

When I was a student for quite a long time, I heard that “pencil is better than mechanical pencil because it saves time when filling out the mark sheets,” but it seems that this is just a rumor.
As a practical matter, that may be an advantage, but that alone is not a reason to “ban” mechanical pencils.
The reason was in the mechanism of the device that reads the mark sheets.

It is a machine, not a person, that reads the mark sheets, as a matter of course. The machine reads the mark sheets by applying a light to the graphite on the answer sheet. When the machine shines light on it, the graphite is reflected. The machine reads the mark as this number when the reflectivity is high.

The principle of reading a mark is “reflection,” but the important thing is that it is “non-reflective. In other words, if the marked area absorbs light, it is considered to be marked because it is not reflective. If the unmarked area reflects light, it is not marked and is therefore incorrect.

The OCR and OMR devices that read mark sheets use infrared reflectance for identification, and pencils, which contain more carbon, which absorbs infrared light better than other writing instruments, are the most suitable for filling in mark sheets, which is why pencils are designated.


Ordinary pencil lead is made of graphite and clay baked together, but Sharpie refills are made of plastic instead of clay, which is kneaded together much better than pencil lead. This results in a high-strength lead that is not possible when clay is used.
This means that the lead of a mechanical pencil has a special coating, and the amount of carbon it contains when marked is less than that of a pencil, so it is more subtle and less certain that the mark will be read.

Also, mechanical pencils have a pointed tip. Therefore, when a mark is made with a mechanical pencil, the paper tends to be dented, and even if the mark is erased with an eraser, the dents may reflect light and the machine may read the mark incorrectly. On the other hand, a pencil has a rounded tip, so when you erase a mark, the machine recognizes it as having been erased.

This leads to the conclusion that pencil is better for marking.


If you use a mechanical pencil for marking, you will be disqualified, but if you use it knowing that it may not be readable, there is no problem. I heard that there are special mechanical pencils for mark sheets, but to avoid any trouble, it may be better to use a graph pencil so that you can face the examination without stress.


See you soon.









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【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
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