


今日は一粒万倍日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It is hard to believe that there are only 10 more days left in this year. I was surprised to see that just a few days ago, I muttered to myself, “It’s the end of the year, isn’t it?

I still haven’t finished my New Year’s greeting cards, I haven’t finished the things I wanted to finish before the end of the year, and I’m still in the state of cleaning up? What is that? I even feel as if it is no longer December. I even have the feeling that it is no longer December. However, I can’t let it all go by, and I’m feeling impatient to get even just one task done before the year-end and New Year’s holidays approach.




December 19 is a day that is considered auspicious because it combines “Ichigum Banbo-hi” and “Daian” (great peace).

Ichiryu-Manbai-ichi is one of the auspicious days that have existed in the Japanese calendar since ancient times. The method of determining these days is a bit complicated, but they are determined according to the 24 solar terms (Risshun, Summer Solstice, Risshu, Autumn, etc.) and the Chinese zodiac (a combination of Kou, B, C, Ding… and Zhi, Ox, Tiger…), and two days between each of the 24 seasonal turning points are Ichigu-Manbai-ji days. It occurs approximately once every six days, or five days a month, or about 60 days a year.

The meaning is “a grain of rice can be produced from a grain of seed rice, and from this rice a ten-thousand-fold increase in the number of grains can be harvested,” or “a small amount of something increases dramatically.

Since it is believed that what is started on this day will eventually produce great results, Ichigum Manyfold Day is considered “the best day to start something.

Because Ichigumabanmabenhi is considered “the best day to start something,” it is considered the best date to register a marriage or to hold a wedding ceremony. It is the image of the seed of happiness expanding. It is also considered a good day to buy a new wallet, start using it, or buy a lottery ticket, as it is believed that if you invest money on this day, it will return as a big profit in the future. However, it is a good day to buy a new wallet, start spending, buy a lottery ticket, etc. However, you will need to be patient as your year-end and New Year’s expenses are likely to be horrendous.

On the other hand, what you should not do on this day is to borrow money or borrow things from others. It is also said that negative events such as fights or disputes between spouses, family members, or friends will be amplified later, and “hardships will be multiplied ten thousand times over.


And this time it also coincides with “Daian”.

Daian is the best of the six days of the week. Daian, as the character suggests, means “very safe,” and it is said that “you can do anything throughout the day. There are no bad times, but it does not mean that good things will happen throughout the day, but rather that the whole day will be peaceful and free from any major problems.


The six days of the week are: Sokatsu, Tomohiki, Sakiyoshi, Futsumetsu, Oyasu, and Akaguchi, and they are basically repeated in this order every day. It is said that the six days of the week were introduced to Japan in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and their interpretation and order changed little by little as they adapted to the Japanese culture and climate.


I have been trying not to make any complaints on today, the day of “one grain multiplied by ten thousand,” but…well, who knows what will happen.

I hope today is a good day for all of you.

See you later.













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