年末年始のご予定は?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




年末年始のご予定は?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


As the end of the year approaches, we have been receiving an increasing number of inquiries and consultations from customers who are wondering what to do about organizing and cleaning up their homes and parents’ homes. Recently, there have been an increasing number of TV programs on decluttering and prenatal care, and we have seen people considering not only organizing their homes but also their parents’ homes in distant places.


In fact, I myself have experienced such a family house clearance. I thought I would write a little about it today in the hope that it will be of some help to those who are considering cleaning out their parents’ homes.


My parents’ house is located very far from Nagoya, but my father passed away a few years ago, and my mother was undecided about what to do with the house, but she wanted to clean it up because she could not manage on her own.


The first thing we did was to sort things out. There were no great masterpieces, but we kept paintings, tea ceremony utensils, hanging scrolls, vases, and other items that my mother and father had worked hard to acquire, and that we had admired from time to time. Then, I kept items that my mother wanted to leave behind.

Next, we asked relatives and people around us to come and take any items they wanted.


Even so, there was still quite a bit of stuff left in the house. We asked the disposal company to dispose of the rest, but since there was so much stuff, we asked them to take five truckloads of stuff. The disposal company was very busy, so they knew what they were doing, but I couldn’t let my mother see the things I had been using being thrown from the second floor through the window into the truck, so I asked them to wait for me in another place. It was not a big deal because I had been using them for daily life, but it was still a chilling experience even for me.


Afterwards, when I looked at the empty rooms, I felt that even though it had been a long time since I left my parents’ house, the memories and events that took place here became even more distant memories. It is an indescribable feeling.


Although it is inevitable, I believe that this kind of thing happens to every family. I can say from my own experience.

If you are able to prepare, I would first recommend that you talk with your parents on a regular basis about what to do with the things in the house if it is your parents’ house. I recommend that you start talking with your parents on a regular basis about what you are going to do with the things in your home if it is your parents’ house, and start putting things away. However, you should never force your parents to do so, as they have their own feelings.


Also, if you suddenly find yourself in such a situation, I think it would be best to have a thorough discussion with your parents and proceed in a way that is satisfactory to you. I thought it would be a good idea to take photos and videos of the current situation so that it will be a good memory. I also thought that it would be better for those who are shocked not to be present when the entire building is removed.


And I guess what I regretted the most was that I realized that some of the items I had thrown away were available for purchase.


So, I would recommend everyone to ask at least once, even if you don’t think it’s a good idea. I had no choice but to discard the item, but if someone had given it to me, I would have felt a little better, and more importantly, the item I received would have continued to be useful in some way in the future.


So, although today’s talk is a bit heavy, I think it does not have to be so dark. I think it’s a good idea not to be too gloomy when you talk about this holiday season. It is a good opportunity to talk with your parents about your memories, so if you are considering cleaning out your parents’ house, it might be a good idea to make this New Year’s holiday a chance to clean it out without regrets like I did.


Have a nice holiday season.














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