未来を創るサスティナブルな素材(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




未来を創るサスティナブルな素材(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














竹は日本人には馴染みが深く、門松、鹿おどし、竹馬、竹トンボ、竹刀、弓、流しソーメン… といくらでも思い付きそうです。生育が早く、手軽に手に入る上に通気性や抗菌性などの機能性にも長けており、昔から竹の皮でおにぎりを包んで持ち運んだり、肉や和菓子の包材として使われてきました。そのしなやかさと丈夫さから、使い道は無限だったことでしょう。













Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Perhaps it is because of the too-short fall, but I feel like there are many clothes that I have not had a chance to wear. These days, I feel the climate change of the earth with my body.

The other day I saw a shocking image of plastic products drifting in the deep sea on TV. The amount of plastic that has washed into the ocean so far is a staggering 25 million tons. Japan has the second largest amount of plastic packaging waste per capita in the world.

Bamboo is one of the sustainable materials that are now attracting attention. Various products from toothbrushes and mugs to construction materials seem to be made from bamboo.

In this store, too, there are wonderful bamboo crafts made in the ancient way of using bamboo. The shape is beautiful and well-proportioned, but the lines running horizontally are slanted, and if you look at the design, you can see that the lines are slanted. If it is a design, it shows a sense and attention to detail. There is a hanging bracket on the back so it can be hung on the wall.


The original bluish color has changed to a deep brown, and it has become shiny and tasteful.

Bamboo is deeply familiar to the Japanese people, and they can think of many things to use it for: kadomatsu, deer scarecrows, bamboo horses, bamboo dragonflies, bamboo swords, bows, flowing somen noodles, etc. It grows quickly and is easily available. Bamboo grows quickly, is readily available, and has excellent air permeability and antibacterial properties. Because of its flexibility and durability, its uses must have been unlimited.

Bamboo craftsmanship in Japan has such a long history that bamboo tools have been excavated from Jomon-era ruins. During the Heian period (794-1185), bamboo crafts were loved by tea masters, and bamboo utensils such as chashaku (tea scoop) and chasen (tea whisk) became indispensable tools for the tea ceremony. Other bamboo works, such as flower vases and Buddhist altar utensils, also attracted attention as works of art due to their beautiful craftsmanship. During the Edo period (1603-1867), bamboo crafts began to be made throughout Japan, and the delicate and beautiful Japanese bamboo crafts have been handed down to this day and are popular overseas as well.


Returning to the topic of bamboo as an eco-friendly material, unusable bamboo products can be recycled into bamboo charcoal and other products, and once they have finished their role as bamboo charcoal, they are returned to the soil to grow new resources.

Bamboo, on the other hand, does not require artificial fertilizers or pesticides and grows into a mature tree in three years, and can be used as a sustainable resource because it regrows from the stump. They also absorb carbon dioxide. It seems as if the trees are there to save the earth.

Continuing from the previous TV program, it is said that plastics that flow out to the sea become heavy and sink due to the adhesion of mud and algae. A survey of the deep sea, 700 km off the coast of Shikoku at a depth of 6,000 m, where the Kuroshio Current is stagnant, revealed that plastic products have sunk in their original form. The low temperature and lack of ultraviolet rays means that they will not deteriorate and will remain in place for 100 years. It is said that plastic fossils will eventually be formed, which is frightening.

I am still not very conscious about this. I have to take action.

I will see you again.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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