


家康が本当に使用していたのか、気になります。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)







































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The temperature difference between hot and cold is indeed very hard to bear. I have also put together a wide variety of bedding for sleeping (I can’t show it to you), and now my bed is in trouble, but I want to take care of myself. I’m going to start tweeting today, too!


By the way, while watching NHK’s historical drama “Dousuru Ieyasu” last week, there was a scene in which Ieyasu was mixing a medicine with his wife, Oman no Mata. In this scene, Ieyasu mixes and grinds ingredients for Chinese herbal medicine while slowly turning a round wheel-like object with both hands. This is a common scene that shows Ieyasu’s personality and hobbies, but my impression of the scene this time was a little different.


This time, however, my impression was a little different, because I was able to see what I believe to be the actual set at the Tokugawa Art Museum that I visited the other day. It was not the drama set of the previous “Ranman,” but when I saw the real thing, I became strangely interested in how it was used in the drama and how well it was reproduced, so I observed it at close range on the TV screen. I was impressed by the faithful reproduction of the actual set and the one I saw the other day in the drama set, and I was enjoying myself by switching them in my mind.


I was also amused by Ieyasu’s well-known device for drug discovery, which seems to be called a “yakken.

The Yakken I saw at the Tokugawa Art Museum has a special name. Officially, it is called “Tetsuyakken” (iron hammer with iron wire and arabesque design in maki-e lacquer).


This Yakken is a tool to grind medicinal seeds into a fine powder, and it is a gorgeous Yakken suitable for a feudal load, with gold iokagake-ji on the base, openwork carving of a hollyhock crest on the legs, and gold maki-e of an iron wire arabesque on the rim. Ieyasu seems to have been engaged in his own medicine preparation, and Ieyasu’s legacy “Sunpu Gobunmono” includes a large amount of medicinal seeds and tools.

Although there is no proof that this YAKUGEN is a “Sunpu Gobunmono,” it was considered a “likeness” of the Sunpu Gobunmono and was carefully preserved in the late Edo period. It is said to be the one that Ieyasu really used, as various information seems to be in agreement.

The gold maki-e on the box was also gorgeous, and it was unexpectedly larger than the one shown in the drama set.


Ieyasu is famous for his geekiness for medicines, isn’t he?

Ieyasu lived to be 75 years old (an outstandingly long life for the average life expectancy at that time), and it is said that Ieyasu’s health regimen may have contributed greatly to his longevity. Ieyasu was a pioneer in what is now known as the health boom and the age of self-medication.



He also had Lin Razan travel all the way to Nagasaki to obtain a copy of “Honzo Tsunome” by Ri Shichin, had a yagen, mortar and pestle, and other pharmaceutical tools around him, and carefully read “Wajaku Kyoho,” a collection of prescriptions written by Chen Shiwen and others in the Song Dynasty that greatly influenced Japanese medicine from Muromachi to early Edo period (1603-1867), He also had medicinal herbs and trees cultivated (in what would become Sunpu Goyakuen)… In any case, his enthusiasm for medicine was unbounded, and there are endless stories of his being a “nerd,” rude, and a “landlord” with a wealth of knowledge.




Ieyasu, by the way, died two years after the Osaka Summer Battle, and he was a true warlord who spent his entire life fighting in the war. I am sure that Ieyasu’s life was full of unimaginable stresses, but when you think about it, the contribution of these medicines and health methods to Ieyasu’s long life under such circumstances seems certain to be significant. I also heard that he carried “Mikasa-mayaku” hidden under his hat, so he must have had a different kind of battle, one in which he lived and died in the battlefield.


I am beginning to feel ashamed of myself for muttering about my health condition due to the difference in temperature…. So, I’ll end here.


Have a good day.















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