グラスの輝きに引き寄せられて(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




グラスの輝きに引き寄せられて(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












右はSaint Louis(サン・ルイ)のグラスです。恥ずかしながら初めて聞いたのですが、その歴史はBaccarat(バカラ)よりも古くヨーロッパ最古のクリスタルメーカーであり、クリスタルガラスを世に生み出したのも実はサン・ルイだそうです。


このガラス工場が1767年に王立ガラス工場となり、「Saint Louis(サン・ルイ)」という社名をルイ15世が聖王ルイ9世にちなんで名づけられたのが始まりです。そして1780年に世界で初めて品質の高い透明クリスタルガラスの製造に成功したと言われています。




















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I watched the gymnastics competition at the Asian Games yesterday. I think I might be able to do a little in ball games by imitating them, but everything in the gymnastics competition was so divine that I just watched it. I am looking forward to seeing the other competitions.

Now, here are some new glasses with beautiful gilded decoration that have just arrived at Fuhkosha.


The glass on the right is from Saint Louis. I am ashamed to say that this is the first time I have heard of Saint Louis, but its history is older than that of Baccarat, the oldest crystal manufacturer in Europe, and in fact it was Saint Louis who created crystal glass.

Saint-Louis was founded in 1586 when the Orbach glass factory moved to Münztal in the Lorraine region of France.

This glass factory became the Royal Glassworks in 1767, and the name “Saint Louis” was given by Louis XV in honor of Saint King Louis IX. And in 1780, it is said that the company succeeded in producing quality transparent crystal glass for the first time in the world.


While Baccarat is known as the king of the glass world, Saint-Louis is known as the queen, and its overall impression is of elegant and feminine glasses with delicate cuts and gorgeous designs.

One theory is that it is difficult to distinguish between Baccarat and Saint-Louis glasses. One reason is that there was a 10-year joint venture period from 1816 to 1829 due to wars and other factors. After that, from 1831 to 1857, they had a partnership for distribution and other purposes.

In fact, a talented engineer named Emmegabriel Tardique was both the manager of Saint-Louis and an engineer for Baccarat in 1816. As a result, Baccarat learned many of its crystal glass molding techniques from the Saint-Louis workshops.

Saint-Louis became a member of the Hermes Group in 1995, ushering in a new era.

This glass is also small in size, but it is very heavy in your hand, and the gilding is delicate and beautiful. The taste of your drink will be different.

The glass on the left is a Moser glass.

Moser is one of the Bohemian glassware from Bohemia, Czech Republic, founded by Ludwig Moser in 1857. In the beginning, he bought glass products, added patterns and sold them. He hired excellent craftsmen, and each piece was engraved by hand with attention to beautiful cuts and decorations. Later, the company had its own factory and became the brand for the imperial households of the Czech Republic and Austria.

They have a strict check system and only 40% of the products they produce are sold. The crystal is made of wood ash, not lead, and is called Kali crystal. Although the refractive index of light is slightly lower than that of lead-filled crystal, the clarity and clear sound of the crystal are second to none. Moreover, it is lightweight and durable. Recently, there has been a trend to address the issue of lead emitted during the manufacturing process and disposal process, so it can be said that Kalliglas is an environmentally friendly manufacturing method.

Why is glass so fascinating to us? Glass is said to be the first man-made material created by man with the emergence of civilization. It is said that glass has no crystalline structure and has extremely high viscosity, and that it is a liquid-like substance that has solidified while maintaining its liquid structure, or amorphous. It is very mysterious. Perhaps it is this ambiguity that makes it so appealing.



Well, I will see you again.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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