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暑中お見舞い申し上げます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


How are you all doing in this continuous hot weather? As the days continue to be so hot, we are afraid to go outdoors, and in fact, we tend to lead an indoor life. It seems as if summer, which was supposed to have an image of openness, has become a thing of the past. We should be careful how we spend our time.


Although it is the height of summer, only this flower seems to be in good health.




The other day, I saw a sunflower and took a picture of it. Without any hesitation, it turned its face to the sky, facing the scorching sun. It was so lively that I couldn’t help but take a picture of it. I felt the power of this slightly upturned face and its dull yellow color, and was attracted to the face, so I couldn’t help but peek at it. I wonder if the painters of the 19th century, such as Monet, Gauguin, and Van Gogh, were also attracted to this face and continued to paint it.


I wonder if these sunflowers bring back a memory or two.

I remember watering the flowers early in the morning in the heat while I was sleepy, comparing my height with the growing flowers, and remembering how I drew a poor picture of a sunflower for my summer vacation project… as I was taking pictures. I remember how I used to draw poor pictures of sunflowers for a summer vacation project. I have known sunflowers for a long time, and they are full of memories, but there is something I did not know about them.


The sunflower actually looks like a single flower from a distance, but it is actually a group of multiple flowers. The part of the sunflower that looks like yellow petals seems to be one flower (tongue-shaped flower) for each petal. The black part in the middle is also a tubular flower with both stamens and pistils.




Many of you may also know that sunflowers are written in kanji (Chinese characters) as “sunflower hibiscus,” which is said to have gotten its name from the way it blooms facing the direction of the sun.


The origin of the name is said to come from “mukohi,” which is derived from the fact that sunflowers face the sun in the process of growing, and “hollyhock,” which means “a plant that grows toward the sun,” but hollyhock is a plant of the mallow family, and sunflowers are of the Asteraceae family. However, hollyhock is a member of the mallow family, while sunflower is a member of the asteraceae family. The name “sunflower” may have been chosen because it is rare to find a plant that moves.


Incidentally, there is also a flower that blooms facing the sun like the sunflower, and the clue to what kind of flower it is is hidden in the kanji writing of the word sunflower. The kanji for sunflower is “hollyhock facing the sun. As the kanji for sunflowers suggests, hollyhock family flowers have a habit of facing the sun.


Sunflowers do not turn toward the sun once they are in full bloom, but only before blooming. I think the sunflowers may look even more lively at that time of the year when they are facing the sun.



I looked into its face for the first time in decades, but the sunflowers still turned their faces to the sun and seemed to fill the time lag between the memories of those days and my own, but the sun was a little too strong for me as an adult, so it was a brief greeting.


So, have a good day.















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