「邪鬼」がんばってます。(東寺五重塔にて)(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




「邪鬼」がんばってます。(東寺五重塔にて)(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














1.国宝「東寺五重塔」、京都市南区 1644年建立 約55 m

2.国宝「醍醐寺五重塔」、亰都市伏見区 951年建立 約38m

3.重文「八坂の塔(法観寺)」、京都市東山区 1440年建立 約46 m

4.重文「仁和寺五重塔」、京都市右京区 1644年建立 約36 m

5.国宝「海住山寺五重塔」、京都府木津川市 1214年建立 約18 m

6.「成相寺五重塔」、京都府宮津市 1998年建立 約33m









































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, I stopped by Kyoto for a while for business.
The problem. Where is this place?The answer is the five-story pagoda of Toji Temple (Kyouou Gokokuji Temple).
You know that five-story pagoda that you see when you are approaching Kyoto Station on the Shinkansen bullet train. Whenever I see the five-story pagoda of Toji Temple, I always get excited and say, “I’m in Kyoto! It is a landmark of Kyoto.By the way, there are six five-story pagodas in Kyoto. Here are some of them (in no particular order)
1. national treasure “Toji five-story pagoda”, Minami-ku, Kyoto, built in 1644, about 55 m
2. National Treasure “Five-storied Pagoda of Daigoji Temple”, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, built in 951, about 38 m.
3. “Yasaka-no-to (Pagoda of Yasaka)” (Hokanji Temple), National Treasure, built in 1440, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 46 m approx.
4. “Five-storied Pagoda of Ninna-ji Temple”, National Treasure, built in 1644, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, approx. 36 m.
5. “Five-storied Pagoda of Kaijusanji Temple”, National Treasure, Kizugawa City, Kyoto, built in 1214, approx. 18 m
6. “Five-storied Pagoda of Seishoji Temple”, Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, built in 1998, about 33 m.
There were six of them.I have lived in Kyoto for about five years, and I have visited many places, but I realized that I had never visited Toji Temple. I guess I always thought I had visited To-ji because of the view from the Shinkansen, lol.But the other day, I finally had the opportunity to visit the temple, and for the first time I was able to see the five-story pagoda up close and personal.As you know, the five-story pagoda of Toji Temple was built by Kobo Daishi Kukai in 826, and the present structure was donated by Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1644 after it was burned down many times.
It is a bad habit to rank everything, but it is the tallest existing pagoda in Japan at about 55 meters, and is designated as a National Treasure.

Moreover, this is the only place where you can see the five-story pagoda reflected in a pond.

The interior of the five-story pagoda is open to the public on special occasions, but the door was tightly closed the other day (unfortunately). The four Dainichi Nyorai, the eight Bodhisattvas, and the Mandala of the Vajrayana Realm are painted on the pillars on all four sides.

The interior of the five-story pagoda is a story for another time, but one thing you must not forget to see in Toji’s five-story pagoda is the “evil demon” that supports it.

It is often seen at the foot of buildings and other structures in shrines, temples, and shrines, with a bitter face. What is it? Is it a person or something else? They are “evil demons,” but since they have a “twisted character,” they are sometimes called “Amanojaku,” which means “evil demon from heaven. (Honkehonten).

So, I looked under the eaves of the five-story pagoda.

Can you see the small “evil demon” that is trying its best to support this large building under the wood and timber of the roof at the bottom? There they are.

Each of the demons in each of the four squares is supporting the five-story pagoda with a different style and expression. (Sorry the photo is a little confusing.)

The Amanojaku, as I mentioned earlier, have a twisted character, so they are supposed to oppose the force from above (the weight of the building) and apply an equal force (the force of the Amanojaku) from below to keep the building parallel and not leaning. This character alone makes it a very important task.
The five-story pagoda of Ninna-ji Temple and the five-story pagoda of Horyu-ji Temple also seem to have their own evil demons working hard.

The five-story pagoda of Ninna-ji Temple and the five-story pagoda of Horyu-ji Temple were not affected by the Great Hanshin Earthquake, so the pagoda’s strength has been proven. (It is really amazing.) I am sure there have been many natural disasters before that, but when I think of how those small square demons have supported this large building for so long, I cannot help but wonder about the power of the “Amanojaku”.

If you have a chance to see them, I would like you to see their wrinkled faces as they support the building with all their might, but in any case, you cannot help but cheer them on.

Have a good day.


















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