お急ぎください!。夜桜ライトアップ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




お急ぎください!。夜桜ライトアップ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













それとは別にですがもう一つの目的は、かねてより気になっておりましたこの岡崎城内で開設されております『どうする家康 岡崎 ドラマ館』への参戦。なんとすでに来場者数が10万人を超えたとのことでして、ドラマに登場する衣装や小道具やドラマの世界観やを体感できます。また、史実に基づいた家康の一生と三河武士についての展示もしております。

この『どうする家康 岡崎 ドラマ館』の呟きはまたの機会することといたしまして、本日はとにかく急いでほしい夜桜ライトアップについて、お写真多めでつぶやいておりますよ。























次回は、岡崎城の桜の前に訪れました大河ドラマで登場した三河の家康ゆかりのお寺と『どうする家康 岡崎 ドラマ館』についてつぶやいていきますので、こうご期待。







Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Spring is in full bloom. How do you like our staff’s active relay of cherry blossoms these days? Would it be helpful for you? As I passed by the neighborhood of Fumikosha, all the streets and parks are decorated with cherry blossoms. Today, in the mild weather of Nagoya, we saw elementary school students on spring break and cherry blossom viewing groups enjoying the cherry blossoms in full bloom, which was a nice sight everywhere we passed.


Now, I know this is not the same as the other day’s blog, but where do you go to enjoy the cherry blossoms? I had a hard time deciding. After much deliberation, this year we decided to take a slightly more elaborate approach and participate in the night cherry blossom light-up last night.


This year, we decided to participate in the Okazaki Castle Cherry Blossom Festival, which is one of the 100 best cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. Okazaki Castle is one of the 100 most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan, and in spring, approximately 800 Someiyoshino cherry trees bloom around the Okazaki Castle. During the festival, the castle is lit up and visitors can enjoy the fantastic scenery, making it an appropriate place for Staff Y to participate in this year’s light-up event.

Another purpose was to visit the “Doubtful Ieyasu: Okazaki Drama Museum,” which is located in the Okazaki Castle and has been on our minds for some time. The number of visitors has already exceeded 100,000, and visitors can experience the world of the drama through costumes, props, and the world of the drama. Also on display are exhibits about Ieyasu’s life and Mikawa samurai based on historical facts.

I will leave the “What to do about Ieyasu: Okazaki Drama Museum” for another time, but today, I would like to hurry up and show you the illumination of the cherry blossoms at night with many pictures.


As some of you may know, the Otogawa riverbank near Okazaki Castle was lined with many stalls until late at night, and there were many people, but this photo was taken at a slightly less crowded spot. The other day, stalls were open until late at night on the other side of Otogawa River, and it was truly a cherry blossom festival.


The area around the vermilion-lacquered bridge over the Ryujo moat was apparently a good spot to take pictures, with lanterns on the bridge and cherry blossoms illuminated by lights that changed seven times around them. I took some photos of the seven changing lights at different times, so I hope you can feel the atmosphere. It was very crowded on the side where I was taking pictures, so it was difficult to get a good shot…


After crossing the sacred bridge, I walked around the Otogawa River and saw petals dancing in the air, though not a blizzard. I think the peak of the cherry blossom season is about to arrive. The cherry blossoms will be in full bloom at the end of this week, so please hurry up and enjoy the nighttime cherry blossom illumination at Okazaki Castle!


In my next entry, I will tweet about the temple related to Ieyasu in Mikawa that appeared in the Taiga Drama and the “What to do about Ieyasu: Okazaki Drama Museum,” which I visited before visiting the cherry blossoms at Okazaki Castle.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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