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大河ドラマの舞台に立ち寄ってみました。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) 

















































This is Staff Y.


It’s finally here, ladies and gentlemen, the season has arrived…. Yes, the cherry blossoms have started to bloom.

Here in Nagoya, the Nagoya District Meteorological Observatory announced on the 17th that cherry blossoms had bloomed in Nagoya City. At around 9:00 a.m., a sample tree of Someiyoshino cherry trees in the Nagoya District Meteorological Observatory (Chikusa-ku, Nagoya) near the Antique Art Fumikosha was found to have 5 to 6 blossoms, 7 days earlier than the average year, making it the earliest blooming in the history of observation along with 2021, 1990, and 1989. Now, I am getting excited about where to go to see the cherry blossoms.

How are you planning your memories with cherry blossoms this year?

The staff of Fumikosha Antique Art Gallery will be bringing you information on cherry blossom viewing spots here in Aichi and in your neighborhood, so please stay with us.


By the way…. This year only, the NHK Taiga Drama will be set in Aichi Prefecture, so we have been checking the names of places and locations where the drama will be set. I have been checking the names of the places and locations where the drama will take place. I remember some places that I have heard of, and I even remember the ruins of a castle there. The other day, when I was driving on business, the words “ruins of Odaka Castle” came up in my navigation system.


I knew that this was the “Odaka Castle” in the scene where Tokugawa Motoyasu (Matsujun) made a supply run, and although I knew it was probably in this area, I would normally skip it, but this time, the scene came back to me and I really wanted to go there…. Let’s stop by for a while.


I had followed the navigator’s directions, but it was still the old castle area. The old road was quite deep, but we managed to reach the entrance. (It was a lot harder than I thought it would be to get there…)


See, the remains of a soldier’s dream.

I knew it was a park or a large field, and the cherry blossoms here are not in full bloom yet. But let’s let our imagination run wild.


Although the date of construction of the castle is not clear, it is said that Ikeda Yoritada was the lord of the castle during the Nanbokucho Period, and that Hanai Bichu, Mizuno Tameyoshi, and his son Tadamori resided here during the Eisho Period. The Mizuno clan continued to rule during the Tenbun period, but the castle was under the control of Oda Nobuhide. In 1548, Nonoyama Masakane attacked this castle by order of Imagawa Yoshimoto, but was unable to bring it down and Masakane was killed in battle.


However, after Nobuhide’s death, Otaka Castle, along with Kutsugake Castle, fell into the hands of the Imagawa side through the scheming of Yamaguchi Noritsugu, lord of Narumi Castle, who had defected from his son, Oda Nobunaga. In response to this threat, Nobunaga built “Marune Fort” and “Washizu Fort” to put pressure on Odaka Castle. Later, in 1559, Yoshimoto ordered Terukatsu Asahina to defend Odaka Castle.


The following year, in 1560, the siege of Odaka Castle was broken and Nagateru Udono took up the defensive position. On the night of May 18 (June 11), Motoyasu Matsudaira delivered rations to Odaka Castle, and Motoyasu took over Nagateru’s position. Motoyasu seems to have temporarily taken control of Odaka Castle.


After confirming the death of Yoshimoto by Nobunaga’s attack (Battle of Okehazama), Motoyasu withdrew to Okazaki Castle, and Odaka Castle once again became the territory of the Oda family. However, there is a historical book that states that Motoyasu’s “supply run” took place earlier, in the first year of Eiroku (1558), and there is also a historical book that dates it to the second year of Eiroku (1559). However, there are some researchers who believe that Motoyasu may have also supplied the troops immediately after the fall of Odaka Castle to the Imagawa.


The site was designated as a national historic site in 1938, and is now maintained as “Odaka Castle Site Park.” Excavations of the double moat that once stretched across the site are also being conducted. The main existing structures are the remains of the Honmaru and Ninomaru wards, the earthen bridges between them, and the empty moat. They can still be seen today.


The most important thing is the location. Since Odaka Castle is located on a slightly elevated hill, the “Marune Fort” and “Washizu Fort,” where the Oda forces held their positions, are just a few kilometers away and can be seen from this hill. The terrain is so flat that it is hard to imagine that the Oda forces fought each other in a “narrow space,” building castles and forts that could be seen from the hill. It is really a narrow space.

If you watch the historical drama or have some previous information about the area, you will definitely feel like a warrior of the Warring States period.


In this area, there are still three sake breweries that have been in business since the Edo and Meiji periods. I also love sake, and happened to pick up a bottle of new sake the other day. All of them are located within a 5-minute walking distance from each other, which is very rare in this area.


There was also a cedar ball on the wall announcing the new sake.


Good bye.

















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