


佐布里池の梅まつりを訪れました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








少しご説明いたしますと、ここ佐布里池梅林 は、佐布里緑と花のふれあい公園内の佐布里池周辺にある梅園。佐布里地区で生み出された梅の品種「佐布里梅」は、この地独自の品種でもあります。

































【開催日】2023年2月11日(土)~ 3月12日(日)



【住所】〒478-0018 愛知県知多市佐布里台3丁目101




Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

March has arrived, hasn’t it? As usual, I feel a bit nervous this month, but as I pass by houses with pink and white plum blossoms and early-blooming cherry blossoms, I feel a bit happy and buoyant.


In such an upbeat mood, I went to the 32nd Sanuri Pond Ume Festival, which I had announced a few days ago, with great anticipation.


Let me explain a little about the Saburi Ike Plum Grove, which is located around the Saburi Pond in the Saburi Green and Flower Park. The “Saburi Ume,” a variety of plum produced in the Saburi district, is also unique to this area.


It is characterized by its light red, slightly pointed petals, thick pulp and small kernel. The construction of the Saburi Dam further submerged it, and only a small portion of the plum grove at Saburi Pond remains today.


However, with the cooperation of the local community and Aichi Prefecture, seedlings were planted, and now there are about 6,000 plum trees of 25 varieties, making it possible to enjoy viewing the plum blossoms from late February to mid-March, including the light red Saburi plum, the white single-petaled Shirakaga plum, and the blue stem with green twigs and bluish white flowers.


So I drove there in the morning. I arrived at 10:00 a.m., but even though it was a weekday, there was already a long wait for a parking space, and I had to wait for a while for a space to become available. The surrounding area is a peaceful countryside, but when I approached the Saburi Green and Flower Fureai Park, it was bustling with people, many of whom were walking toward the pond.


I finally parked my car and headed for the plums. I was already tired, but I was licking my lips… The whole area surrounding the pond is a plum grove, and the Saburi Pond is also large, so it is a plum orchard on one mountain. Walking style is recommended for those who go there. However, there are many food stalls in the park where you can take a break and buy lunch, so there is no need to worry if you are not prepared to eat lunch.


After walking halfway around the pond, I had a rice ball while looking at the ume blossoms. Even though the area is crowded, the situation is more peaceful than cherry blossom viewing, so you can take your time and enjoy the ume blossoms like this. The weather was beautiful and I was happy.


By the way, we found “Saburi Ume,” which we had been wondering about. If I hadn’t been careful, I would have missed it. (Why did we come here?) The area around the Saburi Ume is quite peaceful, with small children and costumed men taking pictures and peering into the flowers.


As if the difficulties that once plagued this plum orchard had never occurred, the branches are now stretching out their branches into the blue sky and blooming peacefully, and it is a scene that I hope will continue for many more seasons and times to come.

Just as I was about to finish walking and photographing the ume blossoms, I found a bottle of plum wine made by Saburi Ume. I decided to continue the fun after the plum blossom viewing.


So, have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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