石が想像を掻き立てますね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




石が想像を掻き立てますね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It was a bit chilly in Nagoya this morning. It was a change from the sunny weather we had the other day, and it was cold again, so it seems that February was February after all. I hope it is not too cold in your area yet.


Suddenly, I really thought yesterday, “The development and inheritance of mankind is “stone. I really thought that. What’s the matter? Are you tired or something? I know you might say, “What’s the matter with you?


The other day, I received a picture of Spain from a family member who is visiting the country. This is the Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain. The aqueduct was built in the late 1st century during the Roman Empire in order to bring water to the highest point of the city, and it seems to be one of the best-preserved structures from that period, although aqueducts from that time remain in many places in Europe. Of course, it is registered as a World Heritage site. The aqueduct is 728 meters long and consists of 163 arches, made of only 20,400 stones without using any adhesives. The size of the aqueduct is overwhelming to look at due to its sheer size and massive appearance. It is truly one of the relics that should be called the crystallization of human wisdom. But what a beautiful thing is the technology that lies beyond wisdom.


It is amazing that in the latter half of the 1st century, human beings were already using stone with advanced technology to enrich their lives, but the fact that the structures made of stone still exist and look so beautiful after 2000 years makes me wonder about the high level of technology and art of the people of that time.


I was looking at the aqueduct when I suddenly remembered something. I was reminded of the stonewalls of Japanese castles. This is Gujo Hachiman Castle that I visited last year. The stone walls are “Uchikomi-hagi,” or “Uchikomi-grafted. Each stone was shaped and piled up like a puzzle, and it still looks beautiful today. There are many castle ruins where only the stonewalls remain, so I think I understand how stone wall enthusiasts feel.


Both ruins are stones that were beautifully piled up one by one by the nameless people of that time, struggling with danger and weight. Although the shapes and forms are different, the enthusiasm of the people who faced the stones and their struggles in those days are also different. It stirs the imagination.


I usually don’t think about stones that much, but maybe they were just there and people picked them up and thought, “Maybe they can be used for something…”. I guess it all started when a person picked up a stone and thought, “Maybe there is a use for it.


Such stones were already here at the time of the Roman aqueduct in the 1st century A.D., including the pyramids in B.C., and they are still here today. In Japan, as in the case of the Ishibutai burial mounds and the stone walls of castle ruins, stones have come this far and are no longer just “stones” that have been lying around. As I mentioned earlier, stone has surpassed technology and become an art form. This is also due to the wisdom of people and their hands.


I was looking at these things and wondering, “Are you all right? I was immersed in a level of delusion, but at the same time, I strongly hope that these ruins will remain for the next 2,000 years.


Have a good day.















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