日本酒、夢をのせてどこまでも。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




日本酒、夢をのせてどこまでも。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













それにても、酵母や原料米をロケットに搭載して宇宙に打ち上げ、 それで日本酒を造ろうなどという一見無謀な計画のように思えますし、当初は誰しもが到底実現不可能と思い込んでいたようであります。それを2002年に高知県内の有志が「高知県宇宙利用推進協議会」(通称「てんくろうの会」)を立ち上げ、様々な障害や苦難を乗り越え、2005年遂に打ち上げに成功したといいますので、まずは夢は持ち続けるとなんですね。






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I am sorry to talk about the year-end and New Year’s holidays, but I met a person who came back from space at the end of the year. What? An astronaut? Or did you attend a talk show of a businessman who recently went to space? I would like to say, “No, no, no, no.


Actually, I received “space sake” (Japanese sake) at the end of the year. You may be wondering what is the connection between space and sake. Some of you may already know this, but let me give you a brief explanation….


On October 1, 2005, a rocket carrying sake yeast produced in Kochi Prefecture was launched into space. The space-grown “space yeast” that stayed on the International Space Station returned safely to the earth on October 11, and in April 2006, the world’s first space-bred sake was created by cultivating the yeast.


At first glance, the idea of launching yeast and rice aboard a rocket into space to make sake seemed like a foolhardy plan, and at first everyone thought it would be impossible to achieve. In 2002, volunteers in Kochi Prefecture established the “Kochi Prefecture Space Utilization Promotion Council” (a.k.a. “Tenkuro no Kai”), overcame various obstacles and hardships, and finally succeeded in launching a spacecraft in 2005.


It took three years to realize the grand dream of “Tosa Space Sake. But the “Tosa Space Sake” does not end here.


In 2021, the yeast that has already been to space will dive into the deep sea. Some of the yeast that survived the harsh environment of 600 atmospheres for four months, known as “space yeast,” was born.


This is a simple story, but it is not as simple as just diving into the ocean and coming out. Diving into the deep sea is also a battle against powerful water pressure, and the survival rate is very low. So, we retrained the yeast once again, and only the few yeast that survived the deep sea in the 2021 challenge became “Uchu Shinkai Yeast”. In other words, the Uchu-shinkai yeast is a selected and strong yeast, and its survival rate is said to be an astonishing 1 in 300,000,000.


Recently, various types of “Tosa Space Sake” have been released by Tosa sake breweries, and the other day, I had a chance to taste some Japanese Tosa Space Sake.


Now that you have heard all this, you may be wondering what I thought of the sake tasting…. The taste was, surprisingly, rather mellow and deep on the tongue.

I have used such strong keywords as “endured,” “tough,” and “power,” so I was inclined to think of it as sharp and dry, but in fact, it has a very mild taste that spreads in the mouth. Like human beings, I wonder if yeast that has been trained and endured a long time becomes deep and mild….


At any rate, there are not many people who can go to space at this point in time, so it is certain that sake will sink into the core of your body if you drink it while imagining that you are receiving the magnificent power of the universe and that it will make even the most reckless of dreams come true. It was a sake that made me feel not only the universe, but also the dreams and hopes for sake in Kochi Prefecture, and the power of a great sake brewing powerhouse.


If you are interested, please give it a try.


Have a good day.














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