


フェルメールの名画鑑賞の続編がありまして(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風向舎名古屋店)












今回復活したキューピッドは、1979年に行われたX線分析で初めて発見されていたのですが、研究者たちは、フェルメール自身がキューピッドを塗りつぶし、背景に余白を作り出したのではないかと考えられていたようです。ですが、2017年にドレスデン国立古典絵画館の絵画修復家、Christoph Schölzel氏が総合的に検査したところ、フェルメールの死後、18世紀に何者かによって上塗りされたことが明らかになったようです。






同絵画館のディレクター、Stephan Koja氏は「背景にキューピッドが復活したことで、画家(フェルメール)の本当の意図が明らかになった」と述べ、「表面的な色恋の文脈を超えた、“真の愛”を表現しているのではないか」と考察しているいるのですが、それよりも、気になるのは、修復前と修復後の絵の全体的な印象。




















Hello, this is Staff Y.


You posted about Vermeer’s paintings the other day …

“To enjoy art, you need some knowledge. The more you know about art, the more interesting it becomes. Not only unstable and sloppy things such as sensibility and aesthetic sense, but also intelligence and reason are mobilized. “I have to do it.” “The other day, I picked up the beginner’s edition of how to appreciate masterpieces, and there was amazing news about Vermeer’s paintings.


The restoration of Vermeer’s masterpiece “Girl Reading a Letter at the Window (around 1657)” in the Dresden National Classical Painting Museum in Germany has been underway for about three years. The appearance of Cupid has been revived. (Unfortunately, the actual painting cannot be posted)


The painting was thought to belong to the Dutch painter Rembrandt for many years, and then to Pieter de Hooch in the Netherlands, but was later appraised by a French art critic, Vermeer in 1880. It seems to be a painting that was determined to be a thing, and it seems that it was a mysterious work from before. Of course, you can see it by searching the photo before restoration.


The revived Cupid was first discovered in an X-ray analysis conducted in 1979, but researchers suspect that Vermeer himself filled the Cupid and created a margin in the background. It seems that it was. However, a comprehensive inspection by Christoph Schölzel, a painting restorer at the Dresden National Classical Gemäldegalerie in 2017, revealed that it was overcoated by someone in the 18th century after Vermeer’s death.


Also, in the X-ray photograph, it is pointed out that the curtain in the foreground was also drawn afterwards, and it seems that the table with the glassware was originally drawn on the right side of the screen. It is understood that this is Vermeer’s aim to express the depth of the room by placing a curtain in front, but this composition is the same as the work “Allegory of Painting Art” introduced in the previous blog. The composition is like peeping through a curtain to a beautiful woman doing something by the window.

The effect of placing a curtain in the foreground is often used as a deception technique that blurs the boundary between the painting world and the real world, taking advantage of the custom of attaching a curtain to protect the painting actually decorated from that time. By the way, Vermeer probably added a curtain aiming at such a viewer’s “peep” effect.

“The resurrection of Cupid in the background has revealed the true intentions of the painter (Vermeer),” said Stephan Koja, director of the painting museum. I’m thinking that it may be expressing “true love”, but what is more worrisome is the overall impression of the painting before and after restoration.


If you have time, I would like you to compare them by google, but before and after the restoration, the appearance gives the impression that the dullness is removed and the vivid colors are revived and “rejuvenated”. At the same time, a very large picture of Cupit (the picture in the picture is called “Gachuga”) appears on the wall in the background where there was nothing before, so “Gachuga” appears in the whole picture. The “Omase” tool (it seems to be an attribute)

It is also increasing.


Also, the woman in this painting is reading a letter. Until now, I had no clue other than that the woman was reading the letter, and I had no idea what the contents of the letter were or what kind of woman was drawn. Also, before the restoration, it seemed a little plain, and did you read the letter from her parents? It seems that it is safe to catch it.

However, since I knew from the X-ray photograph that the picture of Cupid was on it, I was wondering if this picture was reading a love letter, and with the impression of the vivid picture after restoration, it was already. Everyone thinks that this woman is reading “Love letter.”


I see a special feature on research and restoration with the help of various modern sciences on TV etc., but the technology is really wonderful, and there are times when unexpected truths are hidden, so it is always exciting. , This Vermeer painting, Cupid, which symbolizes “love”, has a picture in the picture, so the story and impression of the picture is so confusing that it can be decided that the woman in this picture is reading a love letter. It has been changed.

Also, who was the reason for painting Cupid in this picture-in-picture in the 18th century? The next mystery just deepens. Coupled with such a mystery solving, I was impressed by this recent topic that painting is really mysterious and profound.


his work, which has regained its perfect appearance, is scheduled to be open to the public at the same building in September this year. Also, when I come to the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno in January next year, I heard that. I definitely want to go see it.















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