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最近ワクワクしたニュースをひとつ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









約220年前の暴風雨で石垣が崩れた 鳥羽城 の被災状況を記した絵図が発見されたとのことで、鳥羽藩が江戸幕府に提出した文書の控えのようでした。これらは鳥羽市内の空き家から大量の文書がごみ処理場に持ち込まれたのですが、職員が「何かの史料では」と感じて専門家に連絡し、寸前で廃棄処分を待逃れたようであります。















I love to appreciate history and old objects and search for news in my shallow knowledge, and the other day some news that was exciting for me caught my attention. A piece of trash brought in late last year in Toba City, Mie Prefecture, was asked, “Could this be some kind of material?” The news is that an employee of Toba City, Mie Prefecture, contacted a specialist and discovered historical materials just before they were about to be disposed of.


There are always exciting episodes in such discoveries, which is one of the reasons why I love them so much, but let’s take a closer look…

It seems to be a copy of a document submitted by the Toba Clan to the Edo Shogunate. A large number of these documents were brought to the waste disposal site from an abandoned house in Toba City, but the staff felt that they might be historical documents of some kind and contacted an expert, who was able to save them from being disposed of at the last minute.


The drawing is approximately 80 cm in length and 72 cm in width, and is thought to depict Toba Castle around October 1800. According to Yukiteru Bonno, 59, a prefectural official who was in charge of the appraisal, it appears to be a copy of an “application for repair” submitted by the Toba clan to the Shogunate for permission to repair the castle. At the time, the shogunate had prohibited the unauthorized restoration of the castle’s stone walls and other structures in accordance with the “Laws of the Warrior Clans.” (It is said that this was to avoid conflict with the shogunate due to the excessive increase in military power of the feudal lords in various regions.) Thus, it seems that repairs could not be made after submitting an “application for repair” to the Shogunate.

Toba Castle, which was built by the sea, seems to have been damaged by wind and floods many times since that time, and it was clear that it was damaged by the disaster in 1800, but the whereabouts of the repair application were unknown, and Mr. Bonno points out that it is “a valuable historical document that allows us to visually understand the disasters of the time.


Nevertheless, the drawing was found just before it was disposed of. As for the story of how it came to be found, as far back as last July, a cardboard box containing old documents was brought to a Toba City garbage disposal site. A man from Nagoya, Japan, was sorting through his parents’ house in Toba, which had become vacant, when he found the box. The 72-year-old volunteer who responded to the case had an idea to bring it to the Toba Local History Association instead of disposing of it. The situation in which the item was discovered was also quite casual, but the Toba Local History Association received the call, picked it up, and contacted the prefectural government, a very smooth and brilliant coordinated play.


According to Mr. Fumitaka Nomura, 76, chairman of the Toba Local History Association, the “trash” included a number of historical documents from the Edo period, such as a chronological table of the career of the Inagaki family, who were lords of Toba Castle, and a letter from an old lord, in addition to a copy of an application for repair. According to Mr. Bonno, the prefectural official who examined the historical documents, the ancestor of the man who owned the vacant house was a Shinto priest, and it is possible that he had documents related to the Toba clan because of this connection, so we are also interested in solving the mystery of his family and his house in this area.


When we clean out old things like this, we sometimes find items that we have never seen or touched before, and there are cases where documents of historical value lie in the closets of private homes. It was also a news that “a pin prick” is not to be underestimated….


Have a good day.















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