日々の不調の原因は・・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
According to the calendar, tomorrow, January 20, is “Daikan,” the coldest day of the year. Daikan is the coldest period of the year, but today is far from being “Daikan,” it is warm. I am not good at cold weather, so I am happy to see a mild spring day.
By the way, have you ever heard of the term “winter fatigue?
I read somewhere the other day that “winter fatigue” refers to a physical condition that occurs during the winter and causes symptoms similar to those of summer fatigue, such as headaches, fatigue, stiff shoulders, and lack of motivation. The sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant due to constriction of blood vessels caused by the cold and stress caused by busyness, which leads to poor physical condition because the body and mind are always in a state of tension and cannot rest.
Other symptoms include difficulty in falling asleep and waking up, shallow sleep, and a feeling of fatigue that does not go away even after a good night’s sleep.
I used to think that my recent severe headaches and stiff shoulders, as well as other symptoms, were due to my age, but now I see that it may be “winter fatigue.
To begin with, the main reason why we tend to feel ill in winter is due to the difference in temperature.
In winter, the temperature difference between day and night is much greater than in summer, and this sudden change in temperature tends to disrupt the autonomic nervous system and cause physical disorders.
The autonomic nervous system is the nervous system that regulates the balance of the body, including respiration, temperature control, and blood flow. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, and normally the body is kept in good balance between these two systems.
However, when the temperature drops dramatically in winter, the autonomic nervous system may not function properly. This is thought to be the true cause of winter fatigue.
I see, the old saying, “My body can’t keep up with the difference in temperature,” may be because the autonomic nervous system has been weakened. I have come to understand this saying more and more each year.
Another reason is that the shorter daylight hours in winter make it difficult to activate the hormone (serotonin) that controls motivation and emotions. Other causes of autonomic nervous system disturbance include poor blood circulation due to the cold, loss of muscle strength due to the inability to move, and stress caused by the busyness of the year-end and New Year holidays. Even during the vacations, when the body and mind are not able to relax due to a series of events, this can be a hindrance.
I wonder if any of you have experienced the same problem.
Effective preventive measures against winter fatigue include (1) keeping the body warm to avoid getting cold, (2) exercising moderately to relax muscles, (3) eating a well-balanced diet, and (4) maintaining a regular rhythm in one’s life.
Since physical exercise is troublesome, a quick fix would be to drink hot beverages on a daily basis.
Cocoa, black tea, ginger tea, sweet sake, and green tea are recommended as hot drinks that keep the body warm for a long time.
See you soon.
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