本年もよろしくお願い申し上げます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




本年もよろしくお願い申し上げます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello, this is Staff Y.


Today is my first day of work this year, and I would like to start off by wishing you a Happy New Year, even though it is a little late.

Happy New Year! We, Fumikosha Antiques, will continue to purchase items with you in this year as well.


Some of you may have already started your New Year’s work, but how did you spend your time during the New Year’s holiday? For those of you who spent time with family and friends for the first time in a while, for those of you who worked during the year-end and New Year holidays and are now going on vacation, etc., the Matsu-no-Uchi period has passed in the blink of an eye, and your normal life has begun.


As for me, my New Year’s holidays started with pounding rice cakes at the end of the year (using a mechanical rice-cake pounding machine, but it was an okay event), preparing the New Year’s osechi (New Year’s dishes), and then the New Year’s holidays. I spent time with my family and relatives, preparing New Year’s osechi (New Year’s dishes), and watching the Hakone Ekiden (relay relay race).


I visited the shrine for the first time every year after the end of the year or after the first three days of the year to avoid the crowds, but I saw on TV that the shrine was a little more lively this year than in the past. I saw on TV and other media that this year’s festival seemed to have returned to its usual vigor.


Thankfully, there were only my family and I there, so we went to the hand-watering basin to wash our hands first. It is a small shrine, so the hand-watering basin is right next to the torii (gate), but to my surprise, it was decorated with “hana-chozu” (flower hand-watering basin) as a New Year’s decoration! What a good thing to see at the beginning of the New Year. It is beautiful and very relaxing.


Recently, many shrines and temples have been doing this “Hana-chozu” and it has been attracting attention as a new photogenic spot for shrines and temples, where people can purify their hands and mouths before praying. I sometimes visit shrines, and it is a good omen to see them on New Year’s Day, isn’t it?


The flower water ceremony is said to have originated at Yanggokudera Temple in Kyoto, which has long been worshipped by people suffering from eye diseases, and is also known for its hydrangea in early summer and autumn leaves in fall. This is a modern version of Hana-Temizu, which has been popularized through social networking sites.


Ironically, the coronavirus has brought this modern version of hana-temizu into the spotlight, and as part of measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, many temples and shrines have stopped offering hand water for use by an unspecified number of people. This led to a movement among temples and shrines across the country to decorate disused handbasins and water pots with flowers.


The reasons for this movement at temples and shrines vary. Some of them are to attract visitors to temples and shrines that have seen a decrease in the number of worshippers, some are to heal worshippers, some are to pray for a quick end to the Corona, some are to utilize discarded flowers, and others are to make use of discarded flowers, etc. This new floral hand-watering ceremony has also spread widely, especially on SNS. This new floral art is also spreading widely on social networking sites, and has become a new form of floral art that is very comforting to us.


I wonder if the current Shinto shrines and temples have survived by accepting the difficulties of the times and taking on new challenges to keep up with the times, and I feel not only beauty but also resilience when I look at the flowers on the surface of the water in the hand-watering basin.


It was a peaceful New Year’s day as I purified my hands with the flower water, and it made me think that I would like to try something new this year.


I wish you all a happy new year.














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