


七夕の短冊に何を書こうか悩みました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)























〝 古美術風光舎のHPブログが

上手く綴れますように 〟





Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Unlike the heat wave of the other day, it seems that it is necessary to pay attention differently from the other day, as there was a heavy rain here in Nagoya from the morning and there was information on flooding caution. I’m a little confused today because of this wide-ranging climate, but the other day I became an adult and wrote a request for Tanabata decoration for the first time in a while.


When I was a kid, I remember writing with a wish for a single ball while swelling my chest in front of a strip of paper, such as wishing it to be that way or wanting it. Some of the dreams came true and some did not, and I’ve reached dozens of Tanabata so far, but I’m not hoping for a strip of paper anymore … I thought the other day. There is a reason.


I had been thinking about the strips for a while after a long time, but now I have stopped writing what to write. that? There are always many things I want to achieve and what I want. When I grow up, it’s the same with me, but I wonder if there are too many people and things around me, or the world peace of the plague, that I’m hoping to say. When I saw the strip in front of me, I thought that the fact that the brush stopped was a proof that I became a greedy adult.


Speaking of which, there are various theories about the origin of Tanabata, and to put it simply, it is derived from the Misogi event called the old Tanabata. Also, Kikkouden is derived from a Chinese event that hopes to improve women’s arts (woven / calligraphy / flute, etc.). It’s a remix culture event, such as the legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi, who will allow two people who are drowning in love to stop working and if they work properly, they will meet only once a year. Why is it a Tanabata decoration? I suddenly thought the other day, but why do you make a request? Only here, it seems that he did not forget the feelings of the child.


It seems that it was from the Edo period that I started to write wishes on strips and hang them on bamboo grass. Around this time, the number of children studying and practicing at Terakoya increased, and it is thought that it was the beginning that they began to pray for the improvement of the stars while watching the starry sky while thinking of Orihime and Hikoboshi.

Since there is such a history, it is said that it is better to wish to improve skills such as “I want to be able to do XX well” rather than a real thing such as “I want XX” to write in a strip of paper. It seems.

Also, it seems that the colors of the strips are not just colorful and cute, and the five colors of blue (green), red, yellow, white, and black (purple) include the ancient Chinese natural philosophy of “five lines.” , It seems to be likened to the Confucian idea of ​​”Gotoku”. (However, black is considered unlucky, and in most cases purple is used instead.)


I see. As if you understood the origin of Tanabata. Suppose it’s time to write a wish on this strip.


〝I hope you can spell it well on the website of Fukosha, an antique art …〟

Well then, good luck.




愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
10:00-17:00 OPEN


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