百万塔の歴史を調べてみました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
This wooden pagoda is newly displayed in the store. We thought it was a modern object, but it is a pagoda with a long history, called “Hyakumanto,” which contains a scroll with the Darani Sutra printed inside. The items in the store are not old, but the first pagoda was made in the Nara period (710-794). Japanese people may be able to immediately imagine a pagoda when they see this one, but it is quite a sophisticated and stylish form for foreigners who are not familiar with temples to see.
In 764, near the end of the Nara Period, Emperor Kohken (later Emperor Shoutoku) had one million copies of the “Mukoku Joko Dharani Sutra” printed to pray for national peace and to prolong life and ward off disaster. However, today only the 40,000 or so that were handed down to Horyu-ji remain, and most of them are also kept outside the temple. When Horyuji’s finances were strained after the Meiji Restoration, they were sometimes given to donors as a thank-you gift. Perhaps you may have one lying somewhere in your house.
It is noted that it took 5 to 6 years to make 1 million units, and about 150 engineers were involved. The names of the craftsmen and the date of creation are said to be marked on the bottom of the towers. It was a major undertaking that involved a lot of manpower.
The pagoda was built by wheel turning, and there are three small pagodas and a cork-like ornament of a sorin (a ring) at the top of the pagoda. The inside of the pagoda is hollowed out and contains a scroll of the Darani Sutra. This scroll was printed and is said to be the oldest printed material with a definite date. The scroll is said to be the oldest printed scroll known to date. It is a small roll of paper about 5.4 cm wide with one row of five characters neatly printed on it. It is surprising that such a printing technology already existed.
It is believed that hemp, yellow hemp, and kaji (shell) were used as the paper materials. There are four types of Maitreya darani: “Nemoto,” “Sorin,” “Rokudo,” and “Jishin-in,” and there are still many mysteries about the printing method. There are two theories: one is that the sutras were printed on woodblocks with engraved text, and the other is that the characters were cast on copper and printed on copper plates, and it is not yet known which was which. Which of these two theories is the most intriguing.
According to historical fact, the reason for the creation of the Manto-Darani was a coup d’etat by Fujiwara no Nakamaro, a minister who was dissatisfied with Emperor Shoutoku’s heavy reliance on Taoism (Buddhist monks). In the battle to pacify him, many people died on both sides. In mourning, Emperor Shoutoku created the Hyakumantou to make a memorial service and pray for peace.
Envy and jealousy have always been prevalent in every age, and people who were swept away were victimized.
I wonder if Emperor Shoutoku’s wish has been granted.
I will see you next time. (Staff H)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
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