明けまして、仕事はじめです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




明けまして、仕事はじめです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















今回の展示は、和歌を書した古筆、源氏物語・平治物語を主題にした絵画や工芸品など、平安文学をテーマに日本美術を主に展示されておりました。気になった展示は、国宝「倭漢朗詠抄 太田切」、国宝 俵屋宗達「源氏物語関屋澪標図屏風」などですが、その他にの平安文学の書や様々な時代での写し本などの展示が多数であります。




国宝 俵屋宗達「源氏物語関屋澪標図屏風」












「紫式部図」 土佐光起(1617~91) 江戸時代 絹絵着色







「源氏物語蒔絵源氏箪笥」(江戸時代18~19世紀 木製漆塗)



国宝 和漢朗詠集「太田切」(平安時代)


























Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year.

I apologize for the inconvenience. This is actually the first day of work for us this year, so it is a little late for us to offer our New Year’s greetings. We will continue to make every effort to serve you as a store that is close to you, and we look forward to working with you again this year.


As for Staff Y’s New Year’s holiday, we went to watch the Hakone Ekiden (relay relay race) again this year. Watching the young people running so passionately up close gave me so much power, and the atmosphere around us, cheering as one, also gives me power every year. This is how I get addicted to the event.


This year, we were cheering at the Marunouchi Meiji Yasuda Seimei Building, so we decided to visit the Seikado Bunko Art Museum, located in the Meiji Yasuda Building, for our first museum tour of the year.


The museum used to be located in Setagaya Ward, but moved to Marunouchi several years ago, and this was my first visit since moving here. The Meiji Yasuda Building, also completed in 1934, is a masterpiece of modern Western-style architecture in Japan, and was the first Showa-era building to be designated an Important Cultural Property. The Seikado Bunko Art Museum is famous for its collection of “Yohantenmoku,” and since photography was allowed except for the “Yohantenmoku,” I was able to take more than one picture this time.


This year’s exhibition was mainly Japanese art with a theme of Heian literature, including ancient calligraphy of waka poems, paintings and artifacts based on The Tale of Genji and The Tale of Heiji. The exhibits of interest included the National Treasure “Wahan Rohan Sho Ootagiri” and the National Treasure “Tale of Genji Sekiya Mio Sho” by Tawaraya Sotatsu, as well as many other Heian literature books and copies of books from various periods.


National Treasure Sotatsu Tawaraya “The Tale of Genji, Sekiya Mio Sho


This is a folding screen depicting an act from “Miojyoji” in The Tale of Genji, and is probably the work of Tawaraya Sotatsu. The person riding in the ox carriage seems to be Hikaru Genji, and the torii gate on the left is Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. There is also an image of Akashi no Kimi making a pilgrimage to Sumiyoshi. The story of the story naturally comes to mind as you follow the scene inside the folding screen.



This is a picture of Murasaki Shikibu by Tosa Mitsuki. This is a scene of the moon reflected on Lake Biwa at Ishiyama-dera Temple.


Murasaki Shikibu” by Tosa Mitsuki (1617-91), Edo period, color on silk



This is an Edo period Tale of Genji maki-e Genji chest with a beautiful Tale of Genji booklet inside.


Tale of Genji Tansu (Tale of Genji), Maki-e Genji Chest, Edo period, 18th – 19th century, Lacquered on wood



National Treasure, “Ota-giri,” a collection of Japanese and Chinese poetry (Heian period)


This work is a copy of the “Wakan Roudou Shu” (Japanese and Chinese poetry anthology) by Fujiwara no Kouto, which was also featured in “To the Luminous Prince”. It is said to be called “Ota-giri” because it was handed down to the Ota family, the lords of the Kakegawa domain. It is made of Chinese paper brought from the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1279), to which Japanese paintings of flowers, birds, plants, and trees have been added using gold and silver mud. The paper is so beautiful that one can hardly believe that it is paper, and the state of preservation is impressive.


There were many other manuscripts on display, but I was concerned about the state of preservation as well as the beauty of the calligraphy and paper. I don’t know if the manuscripts have been restored, but they don’t look like they are more than 1,000 years old. The beauty of the paper as well as the calligraphy is what draws me in. It must have taken a lot of courage and concentration to write letters on such beautiful and precious paper without fail. Unfortunately, although I can see that the letters are beautiful, I cannot read the important contents…


I was able to see beautiful paper and calligraphy at the beginning of the New Year, which lifted my spirits as I headed off to cheer for the Hakone Ekiden (relay race), but it was a New Year’s day filled with all my favorite things.


I hope you enjoy reading our staff blog, and I will be sending you various tweets this year as well.

Have a great new year!
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN
















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