帝室技芸員 中井敬所(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




帝室技芸員 中井敬所(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















たしかに、 年賀状や絵手紙に印が押されていると「むむ。なかなかやるな」と、たいした作品でなくても(すみません)立派に見えたりしますね。







1831年  東京に生まれる

1844年  益田遇所に入門

1868年頃 篆刻家として本格的に活動を始める

1876年  篆刻会結成

1880年  国璽を制作して明治政府に献上

1906年  篆刻家として初めて帝室技芸員に任命される

1909年  胃腸カタルのため東京の自宅にて死去。享年78歳













Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It is a clear and cloudless day in Nagoya this morning. I felt the fresh breeze from the window this morning and drank a cup of warm coffee before going to work.

Today, I was going to write about “Imperial Household Artists,” which has become a series of tweets, but then I became curious about the unfamiliar field of “seal engraving,” so today I am going to tell you about “seal engraver” Keisho Nakai. First of all, what is “Tenkoku”? Please bear with me for a moment as I delve deeper.


Tenkoku means “to engrave a seal on wood, stone, or gold. It is called “Tenkoku” because many seal scripts are used for the characters. It is said to be the act of engraving “seal style” characters on the material to be used as a seal.

The term “seal style” refers to the typeface called “small seal” created by Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, who unified China by unifying the disparate characters of the six kingdoms. This small seal and the typefaces derived from it are called seal scripts.
Therefore, the seal script was used for official documents at that time. Later, it was introduced from China to Japan. The historically famous gold seal presented by Emperor Guangwu of the Later Han Dynasty (25-220) named “King Kannowanokoku” was made of gold.

Familiar examples of seal script include the “President’s seal” stamped on Japanese banknotes and the “Japan passport” printed on passports.

Incidentally, nowadays, engraving not only in seal script, but also in clerical, standard, running, cursive, and kana scripts is also sometimes referred to as “seal engraving. In addition, enjoying the design of the body of the seal and the mark of the red ink (seal impression) is also included in the seal engraving process. It can be said that seal engraving has a strong artistic aspect.


A similar term is “rakkan,” which refers to a signature and seal written when a work of art (mainly calligraphy and paintings) is completed.

In addition to calligraphy, it is also stamped on picture letters, New Year’s greeting cards, strips of paper, chigiri-e, watercolor paintings, ink paintings, colored paper, etc. Although seal script characters are often used, gyosho and clerical script characters are also used. Kurasho seals, which are stamped on books, are also seal impression seals.

Indeed, when a seal is stamped on a New Year’s greeting card or a picture letter, one may say, “Mm-hmm. It is true that when a seal is stamped on a New Year’s greeting card or a picture letter, it looks splendid even if it is not a great work of art.

The origin of seals is quite old and is said to have been used in the Mesopotamian civilization 5,000 years ago. It was in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867) that seal engraving was introduced to Japan, and was used mainly among literati. Literati who could write and draw well began to carve seals themselves, giving birth to distinctive seals as a school.

Later, as the policy of national isolation came to an end and exchange with China flourished, further artistic development in the seal engraving world blossomed, leading to the production of many seal engravers.


After that, Nakai Keisho was active in the Meiji Era, and here is a brief history of him,

1831 Born in Tokyo

1844: Introduced to Masuda Gyosho

Around 1868: Began full-scale activities as a seal engraver

1876 Formed a seal engraving society

1880 Produced the National Seal and presented it to the Meiji Government

1906: Appointed as the first seal engraver to be appointed as an Imperial Household Artist.

1909: Died of gastrointestinal catarrh at his home in Tokyo. He was 78 years old.


Nakai Keisho, a seal engraver representing the seal world of the Meiji era, was known as a conservative seal engraver and is also called the “father of sealology” for laying the foundation of sealology in Japan.

He learned seal engraving from his uncle, Hamamura Zoroku III, from his childhood, and then studied under Masuda Gyosho. Both masters were representative figures in the seal engraving world of Edo, having inherited the teachings of Gao Fuyou, a Confucian scholar of the Edo period who established the domestic seal engraving system and was also called “Seal Sage”.

At the age of 22, he was adopted by the Nakai family and engaged in the family business of metal casting, but after the Meiji Restoration, he studied Chinese seal engraving with great enthusiasm, and after accumulating training, he began to produce works that were greatly influenced by the style of Chinese seal engravers. Later, he established “Kantan Company” and taught seal engraving techniques to many of his students, including Okamoto Tsubakisho, Gunji Umesho, Masuda Tatejyo, Iguchi Takusho, and others.

In addition, he engraved the national seal and presented it to the Meiji government. He also served as an inspector of the Treasure Collection Bureau established by the Ministry of the Imperial Household and as an examiner for the National Industrial Exhibition, and was the first seal engraver to be appointed as an Imperial Artist at the age of 75.


Even with the development of digital technology in Japan, the custom of signing contracts with a brush and using a seal continues. It is also said that having several types of seals is unique to Japan.

Unfortunately, there are few materials on seal engraving and Japanese impressionology by Nakai Keisho, but he has devoted himself to the study of ancient seals in China and Japan, and has left behind some excellent works that will serve as the basis of Japanese sealology.

If seals continue to be a part of Japanese culture, Nakai Keisho’s achievements may be illuminated in the future.


See you soon.

















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