


柔らかい輝きの錫の魅力(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

My morning routine these days is to watch the Paralympic Games and check the path of typhoons.

I was almost late again this morning because I couldn’t help but watch the Paralympic athletes in action. Personally, I am looking forward to watching “Boccia”.

Speaking of typhoons, every day I am amazed at the places where they stay. This morning it was over the Pacific Ocean. I feel as if I am at the mercy of an adolescent child. Actually, this typhoon is named “shansahan,” after a little girl in Hong Kong.

Typhoons used to be named after people in English by the United States, but since 2000, typhoons in the Northwest Pacific and South China Sea have been given names that are familiar to Asians. The aim is to raise people’s awareness of disaster prevention by naming typhoons with familiar names.

Ten Asian-style names were proposed from each country, for a total of 140 names. The names will be chosen in order from among them. The names vary from country to country, and some are unique, such as the name of a candy or the name of a warrior. These seem to be tied to constellations, and according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, they are “familiar names that are neutral, less likely to create conflicts of interest, and associated with typhoons moving through the sky. Compared to countries that name their products after sweets, such as pudding, I feel that it shows the Japanese temperament.


Now, I heard about a nice tray that I have been thinking about for a while. Since I heard that it was a kyusu stand, I had an urge to put a kyusu on it, and today I finally did. I don’t know if the size is right, but when I put it on, it looks so cute. Unfortunately, it did not fit in the trapezoidal kyusu stand…


This tin piece has a used taste, and the decoration on the rim and the carved patterns that appear when the teapot is lifted are so delicate that you can look at them for a long time. I spelled out earlier that I thought it was a tray, but I would love to put something beautiful on it, such as jewelry.


The world’s oldest tinware is said to be 3,500 years old, and people have been familiar with tinware since ancient times, as seen in Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” where tinware is depicted. It is said that tin was introduced to Japan 1,300 years ago by Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty.


Tin is known as a metal that does not oxidize easily and does not rust easily, and has been used as a decorative item for a long time because it keeps its beautiful luster for a long time.

Because of its resistance to rust, toxic substances do not dissolve out of tin, and because of its antibacterial properties, tin is believed to purify alcohol and water, and has been used as a gift to the gods.

Tin is said to be an unbreakable metal, but 100% pure tin is very soft and can be deformed by strong pressure. However, its ability to be restored to its original shape allows it to be used for a long time, and today many products are made using tin’s characteristics. Because of its low melting point, it can keep cold things cold and warm things warm, making it an ideal material for tableware.

Personally, I am attracted to its unique soft shine, which is different from that of gold and silver.


I once received a tin tea pot, but it was lost when I moved. At the time, I didn’t know the value of it and even felt it was heavy to carry and difficult to handle, so I wasn’t too disappointed when it was lost.

I am wondering where it is now because I am a cash cow.


I will see you next time.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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