


この暑さでも涼しげなお顔です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The high school baseball games at Koshien have come to an end. The semi-finals and finals were fierce battles, but unfortunately, I was unable to watch the games live due to work. The day before yesterday, I watched the nightly broadcast of “Netto Koshien,” and for some reason I repeatedly watched the video of the game-deciding back home run from center field. Yes, I always record Netto Koshien. I used to think that summer was over when Koshien was over, but with the heat of the summer these past few years, that is no longer the case.

In the Fuhkosha store, there is a person with a cool profile who does not seem to mind the heat.


It is an oil painting titled “Peach Color Chemise” by Seiji Togo. I am not familiar with painting, but I am amazed at the transparency of the oil painting. The pale peach color of the chemise, mouth, and earlobes gives a sense of warmth that further enhances the beauty of the painting. In the later works, the eyes become more downcast, the eyelashes are emphasized, and the eyes are no longer painted.

While I was admiring the beautiful hair, I suddenly had a thought that most of the portraits are of female models…. I wondered why there were so many self-portraits and portraits of men. As I was thinking absentmindedly, I suddenly remembered a lecture I took when I was a student.

The professor said, “Write down the artists and painters called masters that come to your mind. I wrote down Picasso, Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Monet, etc. as I thought of them.

And are there any women among the names I just wrote? The professor asked, “Are there any women among the names you just wrote? I remember I was surprised to find myself completely unaware that there were no women, although I guess it is not only in the art world. I think the lecture was about how it was mainly male painters who painted women and why female painters were not common before modern art.

To begin with, paint, a necessity for painting, was not something that used to come in a tube and come out when pushed out, but pigments such as minerals were obtained, grinded in a bowl, and blended with other materials to create colors. Therefore, knowledge of chemistry and mathematics was also necessary to make paints. Women at that time did not attend school, so they may not have had the opportunity to acquire knowledge about making paints.

I suddenly recalled my younger days when I realized that the world I was seeing was a small place, although various social factors may have been involved. By the way, the professor was a petite and lovely woman.

This is a picture of the orca that was brought down to the ground for the first time in 16 years in 2021. A relative of mine took this picture and distributed it to all the relatives to hang on the altar for good luck in money.

This was the third time the shachihoko was brought down to the ground after the war. The previous two were at the time of the Nagoya Castle Expo in 1984 and the Aichi Expo in 2005.

Since it is so special, we put it on display in a place that looks like a Shinto altar in our house.

It looks really powerful when seen on the ground. I would like to see it up close and personal.

See you next time.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







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