


ご近所でなにやらあるようですが・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Thanks to the rain that fell in the morning, Nagoya is cooler than it has been in a while. The first thing I said when I opened the window in the morning was “It’s cool! I was so happy to hear that.

The consecutive hot days in Nagoya finally stopped after 25 days. It was a long time… It is truly a blessing.

It would be great if the season would continue to progress toward autumn…. These days, just the right season is too short, as if there is only winter and summer.



Now, after taking a summer vacation, I came to work at Fumikosha for the first time in a while, and found something noisy around Shiroyama Hachiman-gu Shrine.

On the way up to Shiroyama Hachiman-gu Shrine, there is an old church-like or monastery-like structure that suddenly rises above the cliff, and around that area, trucks and heavy machinery are moving in, creating a big scene.

This building has been used in the past for the filming of the hospital scene in “Father of the Galactic Railroad,” so I was curious to know if they were filming something this time as well. I was tickled to see it again.



The building is not a shrine, a temple, or a gothic building, but a building with an unusual style centering on a pagoda. It is called “Kyu Showa Juku-do,” and although it is located very close to Hirokoji-dori, it is almost invisible from Hirokoji because it is blocked by trees and buildings. The building was built in the early Showa period (early 20th century) and stands out for its retro atmosphere and octagonal tower. It is now off-limits and can only be viewed from the outside.




The “Old Showa Juku-do” was built in 1929 by Aichi Prefecture to contribute to social education for young people, with architect Kisho Kurokawa’s father, Miki Kurokawa, participating in the design.

In 1943, the building was seized by the former Japanese Army and used as the headquarters of the Army’s Tokai Army during the war. After the war, the building was used as the Nagoya University School of Medicine’s basic medical school, the Aichi Prefectural Institute of Education and Culture, and the Chikusa Ward Office temporary government building, before being used as the research building of the Aichi-Gakuin University Graduate School of Dentistry.

Currently, the building is managed by Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, which was disposed of by Aichi Prefecture in 1967.




In the past, demolition of the building has been considered, but so far there are no concrete plans for its demolition. However, it will soon be 100 years old. Nowadays, old townscapes are decreasing rapidly, and I would like to see such buildings preserved for the sake of Japanese movies, if not in the near future, but it is not that simple.


Now, who in the world is coming to film here? I want to see it at a glance even if I have to crawl to see it! Is it that person you would like to see at first hand? I’m assuming that they are filming, but when I imagine it, I get a little excited. If they are filming, they will be on high alert, so you won’t be able to catch a glimpse of them, so please don’t hold your breath for further updates (laughs).


So, I’ll see you later.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN









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