


成人の日おめでとうございます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Thank you very much for coming to the FUKOSHA FURUMAI-SAKE in the cold weather the other day.

We hope to have many chances to interact with our customers this year through events like this, so please look forward to our next project.




Now, with the afterglow of the New Year still lingering in the air, today is Coming of Age Day.


Congratulations to all of you who have reached the age of adulthood. The other day, I saw a group of young ladies sashaying down the street with their furisode sleeves swinging. They are so cute.

The lowering of the age of adulthood to 18 has complicated things, but whether you are 18 or 20, just the fact that you have grown up to this age is unconditionally wonderful. I hope you will enjoy this three-day weekend with your family and friends, and celebrate with them after a long time.


By the way, some of you may remember that January 15 used to be a national holiday called “Coming of Age Day. Since 2000, the law on national holidays has been amended to make it the second Monday of the month (under the Happy Monday system), but I have almost forgotten about it myself.


The original purpose of Coming of Age Day was to “celebrate and encourage young people who are aware that they have become adults and are trying to live on their own” in 1949. I am personally a bit curious about the origin of this national holiday, so I did some research on the subject.


As it turns out, the origin of the date is that before the Edo period, the ceremony of boys’ ceremonial dress was held on the fifteenth day of the first month.

According to the lunar calendar, the 15th of every month was almost a full moon. In particular, January 15 is the “Koshogetsu,” when the first full moon of the year is celebrated. It is said that the origin of this ceremony is that on this special full moon day, the “Genpuku” ceremony was held for boys who were entrusted with the future of the family. In the lunar calendar, the koshogatsu, when the Genpuku ceremony was held, was in mid-February. It was a suitable time for young people to take their first steps toward adulthood.


However, in 1867 (Meiji 6), the current solar calendar was adopted from the previous lunar calendar, and the seasonal festivals and other calendar events were moved to the same month and day of the solar calendar, resulting in a gap of about one month from the time when the events were held until then.


Thus, the original origin of the festival has disappeared. The fact that Coming of Age Day falls on a consecutive holiday (although the timing of the coming-of-age ceremony differs from region to region) seems to be a good thing in today’s lifestyle, as it allows people to return home, prepare, and have reunions with friends, but I would like to keep this meaning in my memory.


Going back to the origin again, many rites of passage have a “dress code. For example, at the “Genpuku” ceremony, a crown is allowed to be worn, and women are required to have their hair tied up in a bun. Even now, in the Imperial Household, there is a ceremony called the “Coming of Age Ceremony and Crowning Ceremony,” in which the Crown Prince is crowned and proclaimed a member of the young imperial family, both at home and abroad. The furisode (long-sleeved kimono) worn by the general public at the coming-of-age ceremony is also the first formal attire, so I wonder if the “dress code” still exists here as well.


Besides, in the ancient “Genpuku ceremony,” a young man would declare himself in Genpuku among many adults, and the adults would approve it, so if you were a samurai, you would be allowed to go to battle having received the Genpuku ceremony. In many historical dramas, the son of a shogun would often appeal to the adults to allow him to go to war, saying, “Please allow me to wear my uniform! You often see such scenes in historical dramas.


The vestiges of this custom can also be seen in the term “kanzoku funerary rites,” a four-part classification of the most important rituals in modern Japan. It has the character “kan” at the beginning, and you will notice that the “kan” corresponds to the “coming-of-age ceremony” or “coming-of-age ceremony,” which is derived from the “crowning ceremony.


The meaning of “Coming of Age Day” as a rite of passage has changed a little in the past, but the wish for a strong and vigorous life seems to be the same today as it has always been.


Today, I would like to give thanks for the fact that we have been safe and sound so far, and hope that you will walk through this chaotic era with strength and joy, even as a stranger to the adult world.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




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