Merry Christmas!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




Merry Christmas!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


Merry Christmas! スタッフTでございます。






















それでは皆様、楽しいクリスマスをお過ごし下さいませ。Merry Christmas!




Merry Christmas!

Today is Christmas Eve. My phone notified me in the morning that it snowed on Christmas Eve last year in Nagoya. It is a pity that we did not see it this year.


Every year during the Christmas season, the streets are illuminated, Christmas songs are played, and the whole country is filled with an exciting atmosphere. It was already a standard sight when I was a child, but when did Christmas come to be enjoyed in Japan?


Christmas is not an event that originated in Japan, but came from overseas. Christmas is considered to be “the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The point is that it is described as “a day to celebrate the birth”, not “a birthday”.

In English, “Christ” in “Christmas” means “Christ” and “mas” means “Mass,” and the meaning of the day is to celebrate the birth of Christ.


The history of Christmas in Japan is said to date back to 1552, when missionaries in Yamaguchi Prefecture invited a Japanese congregation to celebrate the Nativity Mass. In Japan today, people often enjoy Christmas without being bound by religion, but in the beginning, it was for the followers of Christianity.

Then, as you know, in 1617, the Tokugawa Shogunate of the time issued a ban on Christianity. As a result, Christmas ceased to exist in Japan until the beginning of the Meiji Era (1868-1912).


Later, in 1900, Meidi-ya opened a store in Ginza and began to display Christmas decorations, and Christmas became widely accepted in Japan. The Christmas tree, which was still a rarity at that time, was displayed in the storefront and became the talk of the town. Christmas-related products began to be sold and decorated, and it is said that the Christmas shopping season began with this Meidi-ya Ginza store.


Another event that triggered the spread of Christmas in Japan was the beginning of the “Showa era” following the death of Emperor Taisho on December 25, 1926 (Taisho 15), and December 25 was established as a national holiday as the Taisho Emperors Festival.
The Taisho Emperor Festival was on December 25, which was also Christmas. With Christmas Day just becoming a national holiday, the custom of spending Christmas with family and friends may have become widespread.


Furthermore, the spread of Christmas in Japan was related to Christmas cakes. Did you know that the first Christmas cake was sold in Japan by Fujii Rinemon, the founder of Fujii Rinemon, in 1910, which brought awareness of the Christmas event in Japan and increased the number of families buying Christmas cake and enjoying it together at the dinner table? As a side note, shortcake is a Japanese delicacy.

As a side note, it is said that the shortcake originated in Japan. There was a shortcake made with American biscuits, cream, and strawberries. From there, it is said that Fujiya created the current shortcake shape through trial and error to make it easier for the Japanese to eat.


I have been so busy recently that I have not done anything Christmas-like, but I am now ringing jingle bells in my head, thinking about putting something Christmas-like on the table after I get home today.

I hope you all have a happy Christmas, and Merry Christmas!













骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN




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