心を躍らせる豆皿たち(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




心を躍らせる豆皿たち(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The other day, I served leftovers on a bean dish that had been sitting in the cupboard, and it made the table more colorful and somehow filled my stomach. I hear that when you satisfy your visual sense, you also get a feeling of fullness.

The definition of the size of a mame-plate seems to be ambiguous, but it seems to be roughly the size of the palm of your hand, up to 9 to 10 centimeters. Despite their small size, these dishes have unique shapes, intricate painting, and a variety of elaborate designs, giving them a high degree of freedom. They are also reasonably priced and come in a wide variety of styles, making them popular among collectors. I love miniatures myself, and I try not to buy miniature dishes on impulse.

Fukosha also has some adorable miniature plates. This one is Seto ware with a morning glory in the center. It is shiny and very attractive.


It is said that the origin of mame-dara (bean dish) is Teshio-sara, which originated in the Edo period (1603-1868), when the Chinese dynasty changed from Ming to Qing in the 1600s and the Chinese ceramic industry was hit hard, Arita in Japan developed into the center of porcelain production in the world. The Japanese began to produce tableware for the domestic market that suited the Japanese diet, giving birth to unique Japanese tableware that had never existed before. Typical examples of this were salt dishes and long dishes.

These dishes were originally used to purify the food by serving salt and placing it beside the chopsticks on the dining table. Gradually, people began to use them to season their food to their own taste. It is said that the phrase “teshio ni kakeru” was born from the fact that people would adjust the seasoning by themselves and take care of the food with their own hands, rather than leaving it to others.


In Japan, it has long been believed that salt has the power to purify the body, just as sumo wrestlers purify the ring with salt.

The origin of Shinto purification can be found in myths such as the Kojiki. In this myth, Izanagi no Mikoto purified himself by bathing in seawater after returning from the land of Hades, where his wife Izanami no Mikoto lived, in order to purify his body of the impurities of the land of death. It is said that the act of purification with salt in Shinto originated from the use of seawater in the ritual of Yomigaeri.

The word “defile,” however, is not a word to avoid the dead as unclean, but is written “ki-kare,” which means “to wither,” and is said to describe the state of being drained of life force. Salt made from seawater, the source of all life, is used to return from this state to a normal, peaceful life, and salt is believed to have the power to both purify and regenerate.


It is believed that salt has the power to purify as well as to regenerate. Mame-dara (small plates) were born to serve salt for purification, but today they are used in a wide variety of ways, such as to display sweets, accessories, and other items, or to decorate walls.

Mame-dara (miniature dishes) are probably a perfect match for the Japanese people’s love of “small things.


See you again soon.















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