


紅葉が近づいてまいりましたね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, I often saw people wearing backpacks, hats, and walking shoes in their cars on their way to work. It is a perfect day for an excursion.


Here in Nagoya, too, we are starting to see the autumn leaves, and the news on TV is showing that the leaves are at their best in many areas. I have not been able to keep up with the passage of the season because of the prolonged hot weather, but I am relieved to see the leaves changing their colors.


According to Weathernews, the best time to see the autumn leaves this year is expected to be on par with the normal year in a wide area. Although the average temperature will be high throughout the country in November, there will be many sunny days mainly in eastern and western Japan, and the morning and evening temperatures are expected to be cool due to radiative cooling. However, the average temperature is expected to be higher than usual. However, there is a possibility that the best viewing time will be a little later than usual in some places, such as places where the best viewing time is usually in October.


However, as I have been gathering all this information, I am thinking that I would like to go somewhere for “autumn foliage viewing” myself, and I am currently planning to do so. I am now planning to go somewhere for “Koyo Gari” (autumn-leaf viewing), but after reading it again, it is interesting to know what exactly is meant by “Koyo Gari.



Autumn-leaf viewing does not mean, of course, to pick colored leaves from a tree, but to go to the mountains in autumn (usually from September to November) and admire beautiful autumn leaves.

According to one theory, it was the aristocrats of the Heian period (794-1185) who created the culture of “Momiji-gari” (autumn-leaf viewing). Walking was considered by the aristocrats to be a commoner’s activity, so they generally rode in oxcarts or other vehicles when they went out.
Then an idea came to mind. The idea was that if they could view the autumn leaves as “hunting,” they could maintain the appearance of nobility even if they walked on their own feet. (*There are various theories.)
In those days, aristocrats enjoyed cherry blossoms in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall, and composed waka poems about them. It is said that it was during the Edo period (1603-1867) that the general public began to enjoy autumn foliage viewing in earnest.


It seems that the word was born from the aristocrats’ strange pride, but the general public in later generations did not feel bad about using the aristocrats’ words, so they probably used them as they were.


Then, the time came in 2025. The original meaning of “Momijigari” has disappeared. However, once you know the meaning, it is no longer a time to take pictures in strange poses with the autumn leaves in the background, but to compose a poem with your face hidden by holding your mouth under your sleeve.
I feel as if I have to hold my mouth under my sleeve and cover my face to compose a poem…. I would like to go somewhere to enjoy the autumn leaves this year, borrowing only the sound of the word “Momiji-gari”.


Have a good day.















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