


今日は道に迷いました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.
I had just finished changing my clothes and was taking a breather, but the temperature has risen again today. It’s so hot that it makes you sweat when you walk outside. However, the breeze in the shade of the trees is pleasant, and the morning and evening temperatures are even chilly. I hope everyone is taking care not to get sick.

Suddenly, I am quite directionally challenged. I often get lost when I go out to a new place for the first time. Today, I was walking in this neighborhood and got lost. I was supposed to be walking straight while looking at the map app, but after going up and down a hill and turning once, I ended up in the completely wrong direction. I wanted to go back to the starting point, but I had no idea which way to go from my current location. It took some time, but I managed to get back to my destination, but the frustration and exhaustion I felt when I got there was more than double what I usually feel when I get there.

Why do some people have a poor sense of direction and others do not?
It seems that the term “direction-impaired” refers to people who are not very good at constructing a route to a destination or remembering landmarks.
In a narrow sense, it is “not knowing where east, west, north, south, and west are,” but in an everyday sense, it is “not knowing the direction of one’s destination” or “not being able to reach one’s destination even if one has information.

Conversely, those who do not have this sense of direction are likely to have an excellent sense of direction and know immediately which direction is north, where they are, and which direction to go to their destination.

I have also heard that women are more directionally challenged than men. This is because there is a gender difference in the ability to rotate a map in one’s head and imagine what it would look like from a different location, and it is said that many women are not good at this.

When people walk through a city, they envision a fixed map in their minds and move their characters east, west, north, south, and west within that map to figure out where they are, so to speak, in the “Dragon Quest” style, whereas people who are directionally challenged move toward the map while keeping their own viewpoint fixed, in the “Wizardry” style. I guess. Whenever they turn a corner, the map rotates around, and they soon lose track of which way they are walking.

Other possible causes of poor orientation include trusting one’s intuition, not being very interested in geography, and not remembering landmarks.
You may be able to overcome some of these areas if you are aware of them and pay attention to them.
Having written all this, I have a feeling that the main reason lies with me, “I don’t care about getting lost. Even when I have lost my way in the past, I think I have not been distracted by getting lost, saying things like, “I will get there eventually,” or “I can manage.
However, that was also because I had time and emotional reserve. Today, I was pressed for time, and it was a bit tough to get lost in a situation where I had no more time to spare physically.
However, getting lost is also a good way to make new discoveries. It is surprisingly quicker to go this way, or the coffee at the store we took a break at after getting lost was delicious.

See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






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