


ハッピーハロウィン、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















マムとは菊の学名であるChrysanthemum(クリサンセマム)の略称して、ラテン語で「黄金の花」を意味という意味です。 日本で古くから親しまれている菊の花が幕末に日本を訪れたイギリス人により本国へ持ち帰られ、イギリスを中心とした欧州で大ブームになり、革新的な品種改良が行われ現在では様々なマムが誕生しております。



















Happy Halloween everyone. This is Staff Y.


Since the other day, I have already seen people on the streets dressed up in virtual costumes, but how are you doing? I am from a generation where Halloween has not been a part of our daily lives, so I spend it normally every year, but I am more surprised that tomorrow is November. This year, I have the impression that summer was longer than usual, so I wonder if the second half of the year will continue to run through to the end of the year with the feeling of a tightly packed autumn and winter.


In the midst of all this, I actually participated in a live viewing event for the first time the other day.


I was invited to a live viewing of a Korean idol group, and I attended the event without any preparation. Their performance for 4 hours was really impressive, and their skin and appearance were so beautiful. They gave me so much energy and power, and I am already thinking that I definitely want to go to their next concert.


I have always found that I have a new sense of indescribable feeling when I experience something new. It is good to master one thing that you like, but it is also good to increase the number of new sensations in this way, because it gives you a different kind of pleasure and satisfaction, which is not bad at all.


I have found another new sensation that I am interested in for the fall.

The other day, I saw a chrysanthemum exhibition at a temple, which is often held during this season. It was very beautiful, but there is a new world of chrysanthemums. Recently, they are also called “mums” and are evolving into fashionable flowers. The other day, I received a bouquet of magnificent “mums” as the main flower, which was very cool.


Mum” is an abbreviation of “Chrysanthemum,” the scientific name for chrysanthemum, meaning “golden flower” in Latin. The chrysanthemum flower, which has been popular in Japan since ancient times, was brought back to Japan by an Englishman who visited Japan at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), and became a huge boom in Europe, especially in England.


There are two main types of mums in circulation today. There are two main types of mums in circulation today: the spray mums and the single-flowered “disbud mums,” which are grown with the side shoots removed. There are also many flower colors, such as white, red, pink, yellow, green, purple, etc., and some have shades and gradations, making them very popular in gift bouquets and arrangements.


For Japanese people, the image of Buddhist flowers tends to be associated with them, but in Japan, instead of carnations for Mother’s Day, white mums have long been given as gifts in Australia, and the image of mums varies from country to country.


Mums are also known as flowers that last for a long time. By performing basic maintenance such as changing water frequently and removing damaged leaves and flowers, mums can be enjoyed for more than two weeks.


Above all, their boldness, elegance, and variation are so wonderful that I have recently started checking them out first at the flower shop.

It is exciting to see new varieties when I visit.But, as I mentioned earlier, when you remove the likes, dislikes, and images of Korean idols from your mind, a new sense of things opens up, and above all, it excites people.I have felt such a sense from “Mumm” and “Korean Idol Live Viewing” this fall, so please try to find your own new sense.


I hope you will find your new sensation.














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