


長い年月をまとう風格(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通骨董 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Autumn is the season of fragrant fragrance of fragrant rhinoceros, autumn leaves, roasted sweet potatoes, and rice with chestnuts. There is no end to the number of things to do, but one of my favorite things about autumn is the sound of singing from the neighboring junior high school as they practice for the school choir competition. Just before the competition, morning practice for each class begins. Boys in the midst of puberty sing energetically, and girls sing beautiful, clear choruses. It makes me feel refreshed.

Today, I would like to introduce some tools that have a stature and dignity with a sense of history. They have been handed down to the present day through the relay of people who have taken good care of them.


The disk-like tool in the foreground is probably the oldest of all. I was afraid to touch it, but when I lifted it gently while cleaning, it made a light and pleasant sound. Rolling? Rattle? Rattle? …It is hard to describe in words, so if you are interested, please come to the store and ask us about it.

This is a “bell mirror,” a type of bronze mirror manufactured and used in the late Kofun period (5th to 6th century), which emits sound with a bell. Bells were attached to the periphery of bronze mirrors, and seven types have been discovered to date, excluding nine bells, out of a range of three to ten bells. This one is a “five-bell mirror” because it has five bells. The excavation of these mirrors has been limited to ancient tombs in Japan, and they have not been found in other regions.

Both mirrors and bells were brought from the continent and the Korean peninsula, and it is believed that the Japanese of that time combined them into a single piece.


What was it like to feel unable to see one’s own image in an age when there were no mirrors? The desire to see oneself must have existed in any age. When I saw the “triangular-rimmed mirror” in a textbook, I wondered if it really served as a mirror, but it seems to have reflected the image quite clearly, albeit with a slight distortion. The common people may have been limited to the reflection on the surface of the water.

In ancient Japan, mirrors were more likely to be used to show off the power of the privileged class and to have religious or magical significance than to serve as a mirror. It is said that the powerful families of the time kept mirrors as treasures and placed them in coffins during burials to prevent the loss of their souls.


Bells have also been believed to have the power to exorcise evil since ancient times. The large bell (tsubo-ring) hung at the entrance to the shrine is said to be rung not to say, “God, please listen to my request,” but to purify evil spirits with the sound of the bell. I was completely in the mindset of “I came to visit the shrine….

The sound of the bell was also thought to have the power to “attract people’s hearts. The bells that miko (shrine maidens) hold in their hands and ring during dedication dances have this meaning, and the clear sound of the bells seems to have served the purpose of attracting the spirits of the gods.

People at that time thought of putting bells around mirrors to strengthen their religious and magical power! The people of that time came up with the idea of putting bells around mirrors, perhaps to strengthen their religious or magical power. Am I the only one who feels the Japanese temperament and sense?

I heard that some haniwa maidens had “five bell mirrors” attached to their waists. The Isuzu mirror in the Fukosha also has a part that looks like a string attached to it. Did it play a role in uplifting people and attracting gods at festivals and other events in ancient times?


It has been a long story about the Isuzu mirror. I will leave the other props for the next time.


Well, I will see you again.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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