クリスマスツリー何本みれましたか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




クリスマスツリー何本みれましたか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























海外のニュースでは、ノルウェーが第2次世界大戦中に英国から受けた支援への感謝の印として、1947年以来毎年英国にクリスマスにツリーを寄贈しているのですが、 そのツリーに対し「元気がない」とか「垂れ下がっている」などと賛否両論だとかないとか。飾りをつけてみてはどうなのか…。


そんな折、私がちょっと気になって見に行きたいなと思っておりますのは、スイス・ジュネーブ最古の独立マニュファクチュール、パテック フィリップによるクリスマスツリー。

この度日本で初めて新宿住友ビル三角広場に飾られているとのことでして、高さ8メートルにものぼるツリーは、時計の歯車やゼンマイを象った本社エントランスのオブジェ“スパイラル”で飾られおり、頂上にはパテック フィリップのエンブレムである“カラトラバ”がひと際明るく輝いております。











Hello, this is Staff Y.


The cold wave that started the other day has caused traffic jams and power outages mainly on the Sea of Japan side due to heavy snowfall. I am very worried. Please be careful for everyone in this area. I only hope for a speedy recovery.

The cold wave is expected to hit again tomorrow, and I am worried that it will be stronger than the last one and affect us for a longer period of time. I would like to be prepared for this Christmas cold wave anyway, because there is a possibility that the JPCZ will occur again tomorrow, and the cold wave will bring snow and cold air to an even wider area. However, on a personal note, I am wondering if it will be safe to move in during the Christmas season.


The other day, I passed by Meieki Station and saw a Christmas tree decorated with green and white lights. This year, the tree seems to be decorated in the motif of green and white lights.


Christmas trees are becoming more and more diversified, with various designs and elaborate decorations and illuminations, and the Christmas tree lighting ceremonies in certain theme parks or by celebrities have become news on TV.

Last year and the year before, I don’t think I even enjoyed Christmas trees, but this year I feel like I can enjoy them a little more, and I sincerely feel that it is better to have them.


I did a little searching and found that there are a variety of Christmas trees on the market this year.

At Aqua Toto Gifu, an aquarium in Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, an unusual Christmas tree that is illuminated by electric lights emitted by electric eels is on display for visitors’ enjoyment.


And at a port in Muroran City, Hokkaido, an unusual Christmas tree made of kelp was on display. This is curious.


According to overseas news, Norway has donated a tree to the UK every Christmas since 1947 as a token of gratitude for the support it received from the UK during World War II, but there is some controversy over the tree, saying that it is “listless” and “drooping. How about putting up some decorations…?


I am a little curious about the Christmas tree by Patek Philippe, the oldest independent manufacture in Geneva, Switzerland, and would like to go see it. The 8-meter high tree is decorated with a spiral, an object at the entrance of the headquarters that resembles a watch wheel or a spring, and at the top is the Patek Philippe emblem, the “Patek Philippe Christmas Tree”. At the top of the tree, Patek Philippe’s emblem, the “Calatrava,” shines brightly.


The tree is topped with 12 large and small diamond-shaped decorations that project a fantastic light, twinkling as if dancing in the air, and a lighting show that unfolds every 20 minutes with the sound of the minute repeater’s gong that tells the time. I would like to see it once.


I had just passed by the Christmas tree at Meieki Station, but while going up the escalator, I was able to see the tree from a high vantage point. It was a nice sight to see a circle of smiling people around the tree, enjoying looking at the tree, talking, and taking pictures with smiles.

Christmas trees are great….

What kind of Christmas tree did you see this year?


Have a nice holiday season.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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