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シュトーレン、味を噛みしめていただきます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









































This is Staff Y.


Today in Nagoya, it was a bit chilly with wind, and it was cold from the morning. Compared to those of you in areas with severe cold waves, I’m sure you’ll say, “It’s not that cold. But it was cold.


By the way, Christmas is approaching. I will be moving to a new house with my family, so it will be a moving Christmas for me.

However, is it just me or does this year’s Christmas seem to be a bit more exciting than last year’s? The displays in the stores are somewhat more flashy than last year. The other day, I saw illumination for the first time in a long time, and I felt as if it had been a long time since I had seen it.


The other day, I received a Stollen. I can’t seem to eat this Stollen without making it look pretty, lol. I’ve wasted a lot of sugar and it’s difficult to eat….


As you may know, Stollen originated in Germany.

The earliest known written record of Stollen dates back to the 14th century (1329), when a Christmas gift was sent to the bishop of Naumburg in what is now the Saxony region.


The surface of the stollen was covered with so much white sugar that I had a hard time cutting it into pieces, but it was considered a suitable gift for the bishop because the pure white, elongated shape of the stollen looked like the infant Jesus Christ wrapped in a white wrap. The contents of the Stollen that I received were from the bishop of Naxos.


The stollen I have received is filled with various nuts and dried fruits, but the original stollen was made with simple ingredients: oats, yeast, water, and rapeseed oil. Catholic teaching forbade the consumption of butter and milk during the fasting period, so it was a very simple food.


Stollen is made from too simple ingredients, and the taste is bland.

Dissatisfied with this, Elector Ernst of Saxony (the name of a place in Germany) and his brother Albrecht petitioned the Pope in 1430 for the abolition of the “prohibition of butter and milk.


Electors were special aristocrats who had the right to vote for the monarch of the Holy Roman Empire, and in 1491, Pope Innocent VIII issued a “Butterbrief,” which allowed the use of butter instead of rapeseed oil, in exchange for money to build a church. In 1491, Pope Innocent VIII promulgated the “Butterbrief,” which allowed the use of butter instead of rapeseed oil in exchange for money to build a church. There was a time when it was so difficult to just use butter.


This proclamation was only valid at the court of the Elector of Saxony, but it was the beginning of the spread of stollen made with butter and milk throughout the Duchy.


The court baker, Heinrich Drasd, added dried fruits and other ingredients, transforming Stollen from “a humble bread made with simple ingredients” to “a festive and festive pastry.


Around 1500, Stollen began to be sold at the Striezel Markt in Dresden under the name of “Christmas Christ Bread.


In 1730, King August the Strong (Augustus II) ordered 1.8 tons of Stollen from the bakery cooperative to be served at the end of a party to which he invited 24,000 people. It is said that this super huge Stollen took 8 days to bake and was judged in front of the guests with a 1.6 meter knife, what kind of Stollen was it?


Nowadays, with the appearance of a variety of delicious sweets, Stollen has become a somewhat plain pastry, both in taste and appearance, since it was baked slowly before Christmas. It is surprising to know that the Stollen, which is a symbol of peace, had such a history of “fighting?


This year, I think it would be good to enjoy it slowly, while chewing on the history of that struggle.

I will now enjoy the meal.














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