


シクラメンの香りはするのか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) 




























では何故、偶に香りの強い株があるのかといいますと、おそらくは先祖返りをしている状態だと思われるようです。一般的に、ガーデンシクラメンは種から栽培するのですが、品種改良を重ねた結果、必ずしも親と完全に同じ性質ではない場合が出てくるようでして、偶然にも、香りのあるガーデンシクラメンに出会えたあなた。それは かなりラッキーでございます。








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It happened this morning, but when I was commuting by car, I saw red fallen leaves falling from an overhead tree while waiting for a traffic light. It fell down on the windshield as it was, and the red dead leaves slowly slipped down the windshield, but I was laughing with a smile. The other day, there was a big earthquake in Yamanashi and Wakayama. There are various aspects of nature, such as being very worried, making people feel uneasy, and making them laugh with a smile. I was there. Anyway, it was this morning that I was a little healed by a small event.

The story changes, but the other day the owner bought a cyclamen flower at the store. The shop is brilliant at once with the red cyclamen that makes you feel at ease, and you are healed by suddenly looking at your eyes while working on your computer.

That cyclamen. If you are in the Showa era, you will surely think of that famous song lol.

“Scent of cyclamen”.

Even if I listen to it now, it’s still a masterpiece, but today it’s not the song, but what I was wondering about, but I’m curious about “Cyclamen Kaori” itself.

It’s also called cyclamen in our shop, it doesn’t smell … What is the scent of cyclamen in the first place? From that point, I wonder what the title of that song is “Kaori”.

It seems that many of the cyclamen that have been lined up in stores in recent years have no scent. The garden cyclamen that you enjoy outdoors seem to have almost no scent, and even if you actually smell the cyclamen lined up in the store, they do not smell at all. Even if it smells something, it only smells a little powdery, and it seems that there are few large-flowered varieties that you can enjoy indoors with fragrance.

There seems to be a reason for that.

The cyclamen currently on the shelves, actually one of the original species, cyclamen persicum, has been cultivated, and most of the cyclamen cultivars are based on this cyclamen persicum. It is said that there is. Then, since this cyclamen persicum has no scent, it seems that the existing cyclamen also has no scent, and it seems that the cyclamen persicum itself has a slightly sweet scent like lily of the valley.
However, when improving the varieties, attention was focused not on the scent but on the size and appearance of the flowers, and it seems that the scent did not remain and only the flower appearance was improved. Therefore, it seems that the number of varieties that have almost no scent has increased, so it seems that the element of “Kaori” is secondary and has not been incorporated much.

However, the scents that were not noticed at the beginning gradually attracted attention, and now some fragrant varieties are on sale. All varieties do not have a scent that has a strong assertion like roses, but an elegant scent that has a faint scent when approaching.

But here is the lucky information. It seems that there are very rare cases where fragrant strains are mixed in the unscented varieties of garden cyclamen that are lined up in stores in the fall, instead of the varieties that have been improved to have a scent. It’s the same kind of garden cyclamen, but there are some that have a scent and some that don’t, so it seems that you have to believe in your nose and look for it. There are very few garden cyclamen with a strong scent, and even if you look at all the garden cyclamen lined up in the shop, it is so rare that you may not be able to find a scented strain, so I wonder if this is a coincidence.


Then, why is there a strain with a strong scent by chance? It seems that it is probably in a state of throwing back. Generally, garden cyclamen are cultivated from seeds, but as a result of repeated breeding, it seems that there are cases where they do not necessarily have exactly the same properties as their parents, and by chance, fragrant garden cyclamen. You who met. It’s pretty lucky.

So, I decided to stand a little at the cyclamen department and look for scented cyclamen.

If I could meet them, I would have never encountered the “scent of cyclamen” for the first time, so I had twice the fun. I can’t find this anymore lol.

Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


