ちょっとした試みをしてみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




ちょっとした試みをしてみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



















考えることも大切だ。聞くことも大切だ。実行することはもっと大切なことだとわたしは思う。 おいしく料理をつくりたいと思う心と、おいしい料理をつくるということは、似ているが同じではない。

わたしたちは、したいと思っても、しようと思うのはなかなかだ。しようと思っても仕上げるまでには時を必要とする。だが、したいと思っている心を、 しようと決心するには一秒とかからない。まず希望を持っていただきたい。やってみたいという希望を持ったら、やりとげようと決心していただきたい。決心し たならば、すみやかに始めていただきたい。むずかしいことはなにもない。やってみない先から、とてもできないと思いあきらめているひとがあまりにも多すぎ はしないだろうか。」    - 料理の第一歩












Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The typhoon suddenly swirled around and turned around, and suddenly made strange movements like the five major dome tours toward the Japanese archipelago, and I was spending a somewhat restless weekend. Was your district safe?


By the way, at the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store, the staff changes daily, and on the HP blog, Instagram posts, stories, SNS such as Facebook, the state of the store, recent news, information on visiting museums that the staff loves, We have posted various information such as.

At that time, I will attach a photo, but it is quite difficult, and I am doing research every day to take a photo that looks good. Staff Y is searching every day to find out how to take cool and beautiful pictures by looking closely at the photos that look good on Instagram. When I was searching for various pictures, I was drawn to the pictures of food before I knew it, and the other day, Instagram recommended only pictures of pudding.


I love to eat, but I’m not good at making it, and when I look at the pictures of the dishes that come up on Instagram etc., I wonder if “a polite life” is like this every day. I’m just reflecting on it.


Anyway, the time saving is soaked in my body, or rather, I want to eat early, but I think the start there is different in the first place. I always think that it’s okay to take a picture of me when making such a meal with a fixed-point camera. I’m sure it’s interesting. Perhaps some people will say nothing, but the kitchen knife is used at a terrifying speed, the three stoves, the microwave oven, etc. are all in full operation at once, and in the kitchen, Senju Kannon I am slightly aware that the “hurried life”, which is far from the “polite life” of turning hands and closing the refrigerator with your feet, is probably taken like a terrible animation.


Rosanjin, too

“I think the key to making food delicious is execution.
It is also important to think. It’s also important to listen. I think it’s more important to do it. The desire to cook delicious food and the desire to cook delicious food are similar but not the same.

Even if we want to, it’s hard to do. Even if you try, it takes time to finish it. However, it takes less than a second to decide what you want to do. First of all, I would like you to have hope. If you have a desire to try it, please decide to do it. If he decides, I want him to start as soon as possible. There is nothing difficult. Isn’t there too many people giving up thinking that they can’t do it from the point where they don’t try it? -The first step in cooking


I am more and more remorseful.


However, it may take a long time to cook, so I decided to start with a “careful living” style from the shape, so today I took a picture like an Instagram. Even so, I just served it on our antique plate, but it is still helped by the plate.

Please understand that the “hurried life” will be lost from a close distance, so I’m taking a slightly drawn photo.


In this way, I have sent out my “hurried life” to people all over the world, but I will try to enter it from the form as “a polite life” and “the training of SNS photos”. Everyone laughs softly.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


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