香りの効果!?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
日本で香りが使われるようになったのは、仏教が伝来した飛鳥時代だと言われています。「日本書紀」に、もっとも古い 「お香」 の記述があったのは595年のこと。
How much sleep is healthy, and is it okay to sleep for shorter periods of time as long as I sleep soundly?
Normally, we don’t pay much attention to these questions, but when we feel that the quality of our sleep is not good, we think about these things. When I think that the quality of my sleep is not good, I think like this. I want to have a good sleep….
A friend of mine gave me a night spray as a gift the other day. She said it is easy to use, just spray it on the bedding before going to bed. I have only used it a few times, but as I was enveloped in the fragrance, before I knew it, I was in a dream. ……
Although I thought about the fact that I do not consciously take in “fragrance” on a daily basis, fragrances are surprisingly familiar in our daily lives, such as the scent of fabric softener, freshly brewed coffee, the aroma of a fragrant fragrance of a golden osmanthus in the garden, the smell of rice in a restaurant, and so on.
We are surrounded by so many fragrances, but when was it that fragrances were first enjoyed in Japan?
It is said that fragrances were first used in Japan during the Asuka period (710-794), when Buddhism was introduced to Japan. The earliest mention of “incense” in the “Chronicles of Japan” dates back to 595.
A large piece of sunken water drifted ashore on Awaji Island. Unaware of this, the islanders burned it with firewood in their hearths. The islanders, unaware of the wood, burned it with firewood in their hearths, and were so mystified by the faraway fragrance of the smoke that they presented the wood to the imperial court.” This is the content of the story.
The agarwood mentioned here refers to agarwood, which is a member of the daphne family. Agarwood is an aromatic tree that is based on a tree of the Zingiberaceae family, and the resin of the tree has been transformed over a long period of time to give off a unique fragrance. It is called “agarwood” because it is so heavy that it sinks in water, which is the origin of the name “agarwood.
The pillow spray I received as a gift this time is said to be a blend of fragrances based on the theme of sleep, and it seems to have an image of three stages of fragrance preparation while you are sleeping. I was surprised at how well I slept, and I didn’t have any dreams thanks to the refreshing scent.
For example, citrus scents are called citrus notes, herbal scents are called aromatic notes, and floral scents are called floral notes.
Perfumes are made from a variety of fragrances, and although they smell more intense when placed on the skin, the fragrance is actually not constant all the time.
The lighter fragrances, which are more evanescent, come first, and the heavier fragrances, which are more lingering, come last. The term “note” is used to describe this order of fragrance.
Perfumes are scented in three stages. It is said that they change into completely different expressions.
Some fragrances change dramatically in the last note. It is said that this note is what keeps the overall balance of the fragrance exquisite.
In other words, it would have been a mistake to buy a perfume at a perfume shop and say, “It smells so good!
Incense was introduced to Japan 1,400 years ago. Even today, we are surrounded by many fragrances. If you feel “it smells good” subconsciously, it may be the scent you are looking for.
There are various effects such as healing and stress relief. Let’s incorporate fragrance into our daily lives and get a good night’s sleep today.
See you soon. (Staff T)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN