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語呂合わせにはいつも助けられています(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








ちなみに外国語でもこの年号の覚え方があるのか気になりまして調べてみますと、英語では少し事情が違うようでして、例えば ”I sighted Thomas’s rights. “という文があるのですが、単語のアルファベットの数を数えると、それぞれ1776ととなりアメリカ独立宣言が採択された年号を覚えられるのだとか。独立宣言に貢献したトーマス・ジェフソンの名前も含まれています。数えるのにちょっと時間がかかりそうだし、英単語を間違えて覚えていたらアウトだなと思ってしまうのは私だけでしょうか。他にも南北戦争が終結した年号で “I captured south’s flags” 1865年というのもあるそうです。中々高度な技に思えるのですが、お国が違えば覚え方も様々ですね。ただどこの国でも年号を覚えるのに苦労しているのは確かなようです。
















I had never heard of Cat Day, which was mentioned in yesterday’s blog, but a few people I met yesterday talked about how today is Cat Day, and I was surprised to hear that it is so widely recognized. So what about today, February 23? It is also called “Mt. Fuji Day. Fuji Day”, which is also a word that comes from the Japanese syllabary. Fuji does not belong to any prefecture, and the area above the 8th station is the private property of the Mt.


Fuji is not part of any prefecture, and the summit above the 8th station is privately owned by Mt. I wondered if I would be able to memorize such a silly set of words, but surprisingly, the jokey combination of words remained firmly in my memory, and helped me a lot. I remember getting through it by making up my own slightly embarrassing alliteration that I couldn’t say to others.

I have heard that history classes are now more about digging deeper into historical events, learning the flow of events before and after them, and making students think about why things happened the way they did, rather than memorizing the year numbers. In addition, they are moving in the direction of parallel study of world history and Japanese history, rather than separating the two.

When I was a student, I was not very good at history classes, which required a lot of memorization, and I was not very interested in history itself, and I thought I did not like studying history. However, as I learned using modern and convenient tools, I began to find it interesting. Children today are blessed, aren’t they? Thanks to you, I feel that my aversion to history is gradually disappearing.


For example, there is a sentence “I sighted Thomas’s rights.” If you count the number of letters in the word, it becomes 1776 and 1776 respectively, which is the year when the American Declaration of Independence was adopted. If you count the number of letters in the word, you can remember the year in which the Declaration of Independence was adopted. It includes the name of Thomas Jefferson, who contributed to the Declaration of Independence. Is it just me, or does it seem to take a bit of time to count, and if I remember the English words incorrectly, I’m out of luck? Another year is “I captured south’s flags” 1865, the year the Civil War ended. It seems like a very advanced technique, but I guess different countries have different ways of remembering things. However, it is true that every country has a hard time remembering the year.


In Korean, there seems to be a system of matching the sound with the number, like in Japanese.

Two is pronounced “yi” and four is pronounced “sa,” and “isa” means moving, so 24 is often used as a phone number for movers. Other numbers are 51 “oil” for gas stations, and 2 “y” and 8 “pal” are used for telephone numbers for dentists, etc., because “yippal” = “tooth”.

It seems to be common throughout the world that numbers that are inorganic and difficult to remember can be made meaningful and easy to remember by combining them with other words.


Come to think of it, I used to remember English words that I just couldn’t remember by making up silly alliterations that I couldn’t tell anyone about. I also enjoyed doing that and time would pass by…. I told myself that, aside from the question of how it was pronounced, it would stick in my memory as I recalled it several times, and eventually I would remember the correct pronunciation, so it should be fine.

Now is the season of entrance examinations. In the past, people used to eat “tonkatsu” (pork cutlet) for good luck and to “win”, but the appearance of tonkatsu has been decreasing because of the possibility of stomach upset due to the oil. Recently, bento lunches are being made with the family’s wishes in mind, such as Okura (a kind of okra with a pentagonal shape at the cut end), Saikyo-yaki (grilled fish), and Renkon (a kind of lotus root that gives one a clear outlook and helps one pass the examinations).

To all the students preparing for the examinations, I wish you all to be in good physical condition and to exert yourselves to the fullest.

See you next time. (Staff H)















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