カカオ豆とコーヒー豆、親戚ではありませんでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




カカオ豆とコーヒー豆、親戚ではありませんでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Currently, Amour du Chocolat, a festival of chocolates, is being held here in Nagoya for the 25th time this year at Nagoya Takashimaya.

Although I have more than enough love for chocolate, I have never actually been to the event because I do not have the courage to rush into the crowds. Every year, the event closes before I can decide whether or not to participate. When limited edition chocolates are introduced on TV, I imagine the taste in my brain and enjoy it in a humble way. I am sure that the taste is beyond my imagination.


I thought that this festival started in 2001 and was first held in a large scale at an event hall, but in fact, “We wanted to hold the festival in a food hall in the basement, but the department store had just opened the previous year and we could not secure a space, so we had no choice but to use the event hall. The scale of the event was about 1/100th of the current one.

Today, Valentine’s Day events held at this venue have spread nationwide and have become a staple of the industry.

Star chefs from all over the world stand in front of the store, and there is a wide selection of new and limited-edition products, and last year the event sold over 4.1 billion yen.

In the beginning, the event was moved to the event hall out of necessity, but you never know what will work.


Chocolate is something we reach for when we are tired or want to relax, but I personally believe that coffee is essential with chocolate.

According to one chocolate producer, when coffee is combined with chocolate, the aroma in the coffee opens up and becomes easier to perceive, and while the taste of chocolate alone disappears quickly, when combined with coffee, the lingering cinnamon-like flavor lingers for a long time.

I don’t have the sense to describe it that way, but I do have the sense of taste that it tastes good when I put it in my mouth together! I don’t have the sense to describe it that way, but I do have the sense of taste that when you put them together in your mouth, they taste good!


As we all know, coffee and chocolate are both made from fermented and roasted fruit seeds, but they come from completely different plants. (The coffee bean tree is in the Acanthaceae family, while the cacao bean tree is in the mallow family.) I had a vague understanding of this, but when I looked at the images of each fruit, I was surprised to see that the shapes are more different than I had imagined.

Coffee berries are called “coffee cherries,” and each red ripe berry, about 1.5 cm in diameter, contains two seeds, which are the coffee bean.

Chocolate, on the other hand, comes from a small, rugby-ball-like, oval-shaped fruit called a “cacao pod,” which contains about 50 cacao beans encased in a white pulp called a cacao bulp. The large oval fruits hanging from the branches and trunks look like an odd sight to those who see them for the first time.


Coffee beans originate mainly from Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South America, and are grown in high-altitude areas where soil, rain, sunlight, and temperature conditions are suitable for cultivation. The area where coffee beans are grown is concentrated near the equator and is therefore also known as the “coffee belt.

Cacao bean production areas also seem to overlap with this coffee belt, but in a slightly narrower range, within 20 degrees north and south latitude, and in hot and humid areas with an average annual temperature of 27°C or higher. It does not grow at high altitudes, but is cultivated in lowlands as low as 300 meters.

Coffee beans and cacao beans, which I had thought of as similar to each other, are grown in quite different environments.


Coffee, which is said to be of higher quality the higher the elevation, is now being seriously affected by global warming. The temperature in the highlands is rising rapidly, and the quality of coffee beans is gradually declining.

In fact, it is feared that the Arabica coffee bean will no longer be harvested by around 2050.


I am a coffee lover, and drinking coffee gives me energy on a daily basis, but if the day comes when I can no longer drink it….

I can hear the screams from all over the world.


See you next time (Staff H)















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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