体内時計の調節が年々難しくなってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




体内時計の調節が年々難しくなってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











時差ボケは英語で jet lag と表し、まさにジェット機に乗って短時間で移動することで体内時計と現地時間にずれが生じ、個人差はありますが心身の不調を引き起こす状態を言います。時には全く症状がない人もいるようで、私の家族にも明るくなれば目が覚め、暗くなればいつでも眠れる強者がおります。うらやましい限りです。
























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

For the first time in several years, I went on a trip for about a week.

I would like to thank the owner for graciously giving me the day off and the staff for covering my shift.


It was a great time to get away from the daily routine and stretch my wings, but it has been so long since I have been on a plane that I am in the midst of jet lag. When I was younger, I never felt this bad, but as the years go by, it seems to take me longer to adjust to the time difference.


Jet lag is a condition in which a person’s body clock and local time are out of sync with each other due to a short jet ride, causing physical and mental discomforts that vary from person to person. Some people have no symptoms at all, and there are strong people in my family who can wake up when it gets light and sleep when it gets dark. I am envious of them.


Generally speaking, it is said that the symptoms of jet lag tend to be stronger when flying eastbound than when flying westbound from Japan.

This is because westbound flights add time to the day, making the day longer, while eastbound flights make the day shorter. Since a day in the human body is originally longer than 24 hours, it is easier to adjust the body clock if the day is longer. I don’t know whether I understand it or not…. At my age, I feel that it is quite difficult to adjust whether I go west or east.

I wonder how pilots and flight attendants, who are always moving from one time zone to another because of their jobs, do it. I wonder if they get used to it.


It is also said that morning people who are accustomed to going to bed early and getting up early are more prone to symptoms of jet lag. It is believed that this is because they have difficulty adapting to the sudden changes in their daily rhythm due to the time difference. Generally speaking, about 30% of adults are morning-onset, 40% are intermediate, 20% are night-onset, and 10% are particularly strong night-onset. It is also said that about 50% of people have a genetically determined type.

When I was a student, I was told that studying in the morning is more efficient, and I forced myself to get up during exams and failed them, so it seems I am not a morning person.


I mentioned earlier that jet lag is caused by the discrepancy between the body’s internal clock and the local time, but a closer look reveals that it is a state in which the body temperature and the rhythm of hormone secretion, which are controlled by the body clock, are disrupted.

The human body clock has a cycle of about 25 hours, and it is strongly influenced by light among other external stimuli to advance the clock. In other words, early morning exposure to light usually triggers the secretion of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, which begins around 7:00 p.m. and peaks around 11:00 p.m., allowing the body to fall asleep. Morning sunlight also causes the secretion of endogenous catecholamines, which are related to increased blood pressure, and steroid hormones, which provide energy to overcome stress, from the time of waking to the morning, while growth hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone are secreted during sleep.

I am reminded that the human body is truly complex and delicate, even as I am a human being.

It seems like all we do is wake up, eat, and sleep, but when I think about the various functions in my body that are secretly working hard to keep me healthy, I am reminded once again that I should at least be conscious of the things I can do, such as a regular lifestyle, exercise, and diet.


These days, many people fall into a state called “social jet lag = social jet lag” even without flying.

This is because they “sleep in” on their days off to make up for the lack of sleep they had during the week. The time when they are exposed to the sun is delayed, and their body clocks are disrupted as if they have traveled to a foreign country. It is said that this is caused by a shift in the median time of sleep, that is, the time that comes in the middle of the time between going to bed and waking up.

Just by sleeping in late in the morning for two days on a holiday, the body clock can be delayed by 30 to 40 minutes. Once the rhythm has shifted, it is difficult to regain it, and it can cause fatigue to linger into the weekdays.

In the past, I used to sleep in on weekends. It was a vicious cycle: I would sleep for a long time, but my body and head would feel heavy and unrefreshing over the weekend, making it even harder to get up early on Monday. Basically, night owls tend to sleep for shorter periods of time, so they tend to sleep late on weekends and their body clocks get out of order.

If you don’t want to shift your median sleep time, just go to bed earlier on weekends. In other words, if you want to sleep late in the morning, you might think that you should go to bed earlier and make the median time the same as on weekdays, but it seems difficult to move the bedtime earlier than usual if it has become a habit. However, it seems to be difficult to go to bed earlier than usual.


I feel like I’m missing the point here, but please forgive me if I’m just jet-lagged.

See you next time.
















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