


暑い時期にはあえて温かい飲み物も摂取しましょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It has been very hot here in Nagoya. How did you spend your Obon vacation?

Fukosha will be holding an in-home appraisal tomorrow, August 18 (Sun.) from 10:00 a.m. at the store.

Large items and items that are difficult to bring in will be appraised by photo.

There is parking space for one car in front of the store, so please stop by at your convenient time.

We look forward to seeing you.


Now, I am waiting for the Paralympics to be held at the end of the month, and am spending my time in the extreme heat cheered up by the high school baseball players at the Koshien Stadium.

It is so hot outside that I don’t have the courage to go out and stay in my air-conditioned room every day, but if I am not careful, it seems that I need to pay attention to my sensitivity to the cold even in summer. The difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors disturbs the autonomic nervous system, too much cold food and drink, and summer vegetables that cool the body can cool the internal organs, resulting in so-called hidden sensitivity to cold, which can cause stiff shoulders, headaches, lowered immunity, and a variety of other physical ailments.

I heard that it is effective to consciously consume warm food to cool the internal organs, so today, for the first time in a while, I brought a warm cup of tea in my water bottle. In an air-conditioned room, I feel relieved and relaxed when I take something warm into my body. I guess that is what my body needs.

In Japan, there is an iron kettle as a tool to make tea tasty. We have an iron kettle in our store that has been carefully handled for many years.

The rounded shape of the tetsubin is lovely, and the design features the auspicious motif of bamboo grass leaves. Bamboos and bamboo leaves are said to represent “immortality” and “longevity” because they grow straight and vigorously and do not wither in winter.

The tetsubin has two sides: the front side is when the spout is on the right side. The front side of the tetsubin is the side that is visible to guests when the tetsubin is held in the right hand, and is decorated with designs and characters, while the back side has a simple design. The tetsubin from Fukosha also has a slightly larger number of bamboo leaves on the front side.

The history of tetsubin tetsubin is long, and their prototype is said to have been created at about the same time as the kettles used in the chanoyu tea ceremony. The name of the kettle at that time was “te-tori kettle” because a handle was attached to the kettle of chanoyu. It seems that those with three legs on the bottom were used for medicinal purposes.

The small picks (knobs) on the lid handles are said to have various shapes, including plum, pine nut, and gourd shapes, as well as silver and jade.

There are also various types of shoulders, including round shoulders like those of Fukosha’s tetsubin, angular katatsuki shoulders, and gently sloping nadekata shoulders. Personally, I think round shoulders are cute.

The handle part is called “Tsuru,” and there are also “Fukuro-gen,” which is hollow inside so that the string part does not get hot even when the water boils. I am not good at holding hot things, so this is a nice touch.

The hail pattern on the body is well-known, but there are also some Kansai tetsubin with gorgeous three-dimensional patterns and decorations. Some of them are decorated with surprisingly three-dimensional patterns, as shown in the photo.

Here in the Tokai region, Kuwana tetsubin from Mie Prefecture is said to be famous. I had never heard of it.


The history of casting in Kuwana dates back to the Azuchi-Momoyama period, when Honda Tadakatsu, who became lord of the Kuwana domain, began manufacturing guns. The sand found on the beach was suitable for casting, and the manufacture of cast iron guns, lanterns, farming tools, pots, and other items flourished in Kuwana.

I had never heard of Kuwana Tetsubin, but a few years ago, “magic frying pans” made in Kuwana were the talk of the town. I was curious about it, and when I looked it up, I found that it was an extremely popular product with a two-year waiting list to receive it. It was a very popular product. It was rumored to cook meats and other foods incredibly well, and it is human nature to want to try it if you can’t get it. I thought about ordering it, but I couldn’t stand the long waiting time and gave up. Is it still hard to get? I’m getting curious.

Well, I’ll see you next time.







骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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