


夏を乗り切る方法(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















最後に、ハッカ油はプラスチックを溶かしてしまう性質があるため、ポリスチレン(PS)製のものは使わないように注意が必要です。また、猫にも毒になるようなので、 もし使う時はよく調べて自己判断でお使いになってくださいね。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


I was born in summer, but I am weak in summer.
I am weak against heat, and I am also weak against air conditioning. In terms of the level of weakness, the cold air in the fresh food section of the supermarket gives me a stomach ache. If I eat shaved ice at a store, I get into trouble.

So in the summer, I am often overwhelmed by the heat and the cold of the air conditioning, but I got the information somewhere that “peppermint oil” is good, so I made my own “peppermint oil spray” and have been using it for the past few years.


Is there anyone who uses it? This “peppermint oil” does a really good job. It is easy to make. I am a lazy person, so there is no need to go through a tedious process.

Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of the peppermint oil. Then, just before spraying, shake well and swish.

I once heard that it is cooler if you apply a little to the protruding area behind the ears, so I put a little on my fingertips and applied it behind the ears before going out. It was a humid and warm day, but it was so cold that I felt a hissing sound behind my ears and almost shivered even in the weakly air-conditioned car of the train! After that, I stopped applying it directly and instead sprayed it on a hand towel or towel and used it to wipe my body while it was still damp. Even so, it is amazing that the oil is enough to cool you down.

However, if you are not comfortable spraying tap water on your skin, you might want to buy purified water at the drugstore and separate spray bottles for your skin.


I also use it for dusting floors and as a deodorant in the kitchen and other places.

I spend a lot of time barefoot in the summer, so I am always concerned about the floor. I don’t consider myself a germaphobe by any means, but I am of the school of thought that I would like to wipe the floor every day if I could. Why do rags turn so black when I just walk on them?

I am also motivated to use it more because I have heard that peppermint oil has enough disinfecting power to completely kill 0-157, the pathogenic E. coli bacteria that used to be prevalent in the past, with only a small amount.



The smell of the “peppermint oil” itself is more like peppermint or mint gum, so I did not pay much attention to it, but my family pointed out that the smell of peppermint oil is quite strong, so I may need to be careful when using it.

However, the smell is quite volatile after an hour or two, so I think I can avoid it to some extent by avoiding using it right before going out or using it mainly when taking a bath before going to bed. I think so.


Lastly, since hackberry oil has a tendency to dissolve plastics, care should be taken not to use those made of polystyrene (PS). It also seems to be poisonous to cats, so if you do use it, please do your research and use your own judgment.


What do you do to survive the summer? If you have any suggestions, please let us know.



See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




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