お祝いごとを彩ってきた銀製品(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




お祝いごとを彩ってきた銀製品(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today, I would like to talk about silver cups and bonbonnieres, which are often given as gifts for celebrations and souvenirs.


Silver cups

In Japan, silver cups have been used as traditional tea utensils and gifts for celebratory occasions. Silver is said to ward off evil spirits, and in the Edo period (1603-1867), it was used as a gift for shoguns and feudal lords, and for celebratory occasions such as marriages and births.

In Japan, the word “silver cup” may remind many people of the cup sent by the prime minister to celebrate the 100th birthday of a person who has reached 100 years of age. Initially, the cups were made of wood, but a few years later they were replaced by silver cups with the word “Kotobuki” (longevity) engraved in the center of the cup and the words “Prime Minister” on the reverse side.

For many years, the cup was presented in sterling silver, but since 2016 it has been replaced by a silver plated alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel.


Silver cups were also used in ancient Greece and Rome for ceremonies and celebrations. In medieval Europe, it was used by the nobility at festive banquets, and silver cups were considered a symbol of status, power, and glory. In churches, it was used as a chalice in Christian communion ceremonies, and silversmiths produced silver cups with intricate designs, enhancing their artistic value.



The French word “bonbonniere” has an elegant and lovely sound. Originally, sugar confections called “bonbons” were distributed at celebrations such as births and weddings in Europe, and the containers for these confections were called “bonbonnières. This form was adopted by the imperial family during the Meiji period (1868-1912) and is called a “silver bonbonniere” because it is often made of silver. It became popular from the Taisho period to the Showa period, and was also produced outside the imperial household.

Bonbonnieres first appeared in Japan on February 11, 1889, at the Imperial banquet held in conjunction with the promulgation of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. After that, bonbonniere were distributed as gifts at court banquets to which foreign guests were invited, and at imperial ceremonies such as births, ceremonial hakama, coming-of-age ceremonies, coronation ceremonies, marriages, coronation ceremonies, and silver wedding ceremonies. They are decorated with Japanese auspicious patterns, the imperial family crest, and designs based on the “goin” seals that each member of the imperial family holds individually. The bowls are often filled with kompeito (kompeito sugar), and these adorable confectionery vessels, which are small enough to fit in the palm of the hand, have been passed down through the generations as items that add color to the Imperial family’s celebrations.

Although the form is Western in style, Japanese bonbonnieres have developed in their own unique way, including design.

Since swordsmiths lost their jobs during the Meiji period (1868-1912) when the Sword Law was abolished, swordsmiths were involved in the production of bonbonnieres in order to support their craftsmen and maintain the advanced skills that had been passed down from generation to generation. Many bonbonnieres were designed to resemble traditional Japanese objects such as helmets and wafune shapes, and were praised in foreign countries as metal crafts, serving as a medium for communicating traditional Japanese culture.


Silver products include tableware, cutlery, jewelry, tea ceremony utensils, sake cups, Buddhist ritual utensils, etc. In some cases, the appraisal value is higher than the price of the silver itself due to its value as art or antique. In addition to the purity and weight of the silver, the condition of preservation, fame of the creator, and rarity of the design may also add value.

Please contact us if you have any silver items at home whose value is difficult to be determined.


See you next time.












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